How to print the content of the spec, showing only the short description of the components of the AutoCAD Plant 3D spec

Autodesk Support

Oct 8, 2023

Products and versions covered


If "File - Print" is select in the Spec Editor, the content of the spec with the long description will be printed. How to set up this to get only the short description for the spec content printed?


The spec content will be shown and printed with the current used long description style (Family). 


Follow these steps:
  1. Open the spec in the Spec Editor.
  2. Choose from menu "Specs - Layouts and Settings".
  3. Click "Edit Long Description Styles...".
  4. In the dialog at the top right click "Save as..." and enter the new style name "Short". Click Ok.
  5. Select every component in the list and remove all properties beside of property "Short Description" for all components.
  1. Click Apply and Ok.
  2. Select long description style "Short" for "Long Description (Family) style".
  3. Click Ok.
Note: The long description style will be saved as a LDS-file. By default the LDS-files are saved in C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\Autodesk AutoCAD Plant 3D <version>\R<version release>\<language code like enu>\SpecEditor\LDStyles.


AutoCAD Plant 3D;

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