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Integrated BIM tools, including Revit, AutoCAD, and Civil 3D
Professional CAD/CAM tools built on Inventor and AutoCAD
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Jul 13, 2021
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How to change Wacom tablet orientation to either left and right handed orientation for Flame in CentOS and have the settings follow the user.
Wacom "Stylus" orientation is configured for right handed operation by default.
To change the the orientation of the Wacom tablet from right to left or from left to right, use the following resources as a guide.
NOTE: Be aware of the following best practices:
## Name: CentOS_Wacom_Orientation.sh
## Desc: Some love for the lefties
## Always Current Version:
## https://github.com/flamescripts/Flame_Scripts
## Disclamer: This is not an official Autodesk certified script. Neither the
## author nor Autodesk are responsible for any use, misuse, unintened results
## or data loss that may ocurr from using this script.
## Use at your own risk. Script intended for providing guidance only.
## IMPORTANT: If using script remotely via ssh, be sure to export the DISPLAY
## ex: export DISPLAY=:0
## Installation:
## 1) Create "Wacom-Hands" folder in /opt/Autodesk.
## 2) Download and Copy 'CentOS_Wacom_Orientation.sh' to /opt/Autodesk/Wacom-Hands/'
## 3) Download and Copy 'CentOS_Wacom_Orientation.png' to /opt/Autodesk/Wacom-Hands/'.
## 4) Download and Copy 'CentOS_Wacom_Orientation.desktop' to Flame User's Desktop.
## NOTE:
## If you place the files in a folder other than '/opt/Autodesk/Wacom-Hands/',
## you must update the following 2 lines in "CentOS_Wacom_Orientation.desktop" or
## this script will break.
## -- EXAMPLE: Exec='/opt/Autodesk/Wacom-Hands/CentOS_Wacom_Orientation.sh'
## -- EXAMPLE: Icon='/opt/Autodesk/Wacom-Hands/CentOS_Wacom_Orientation.png'
## Usage:
## Double Click the hands icons named Wacom Orientation on Flame User's Desktop.
## --Select 1 for Left-Handed Orientation
## --Select 2 for Right-Handed orientation
## Changelist:
## 08/27/20: 1st version
## 07/01/21: Cleanup, added option to add and remove persistence and a help option
# Variables and Styles
STYLUS=`xsetwacom --list devices | awk '/STYLUS/||/stylus/||/Stylus/' | awk -F "id:" '{print $1}' | cut -d " " -f1-8 | sed -e 's/[[:space:]]*$//'`
BOLD=$(tput bold)
REGULAR=$(tput sgr0)
if [ -n "$SSH_CLIENT" ] || [ -n "$SSH_TTY" ]; then
echo "It looks like you are using a ${BOLD}remote shell${REGULAR}, this script should be modified if you are automating to remove interactive portion."
echo "You MUST also export display if errors occur: '${BOLD}export DISPLAY=:0${REGULAR}'"
echo ''
read -n 1 -s -r -p "Press any key to continue"
# Reset console
# Model IDs and current Rotation setting
echo 'CentOS Wacom table orientation script for the ' $STYLUS | rev | cut -c12- | rev
echo 'Tablet rotation is currently set to:' `xsetwacom get "$STYLUS" rotate`
echo ''
## Get selection
echo "Please choose from the following options:"
echo " Enter ${BOLD}(1)${REGULAR} if you are Left-handed"
echo " Enter ${BOLD}(2)${REGULAR} if you are Right-Handed"
echo " Enter ${BOLD}(3)${REGULAR} to make current settings persistent on boot if previously"
echo " Enter ${BOLD}(4)${REGULAR} to remove persistence on boot if previously enabled"
echo " Enter ${BOLD}(5)${REGULAR} to Exit w/out changing the current orientation"
echo ''
select hand in Left-Handed Right-Handed Remove-Persistence Quit Help; do
case $hand in
echo 'Switching to Left Handed orientation'
xsetwacom set "$STYLUS" rotate half
echo "#!/bin/bash" > $HOME/.wacom_orientation.sh
echo "xsetwacom set \"$STYLUS\" rotate half" >> $HOME/.wacom_orientation.sh
echo ''
echo "Tablet rotation is now set to: ${BOLD}`xsetwacom get "$STYLUS" rotate`${REGULAR}!"
echo ''
echo 'Switching to Right Handed orientation'
xsetwacom set "$STYLUS" rotate none
echo "#!/bin/bash" > $HOME/.wacom_orientation.sh
echo "xsetwacom set \"$STYLUS\" rotate none" >> $HOME/.wacom_orientation.sh
echo ''
echo "Tablet rotation is now set to: ${BOLD}`xsetwacom get "$STYLUS" rotate`${REGULAR}!"
echo ''
echo "Removing Persistense from $HOME/.cshrc"
sed -i '/wacom_orientation/d' $HOME/.cshrc
echo ''
echo 'Quiting, no changes have been made.'
echo "Please choose from the following options:"
echo " Enter ${BOLD}(1)${REGULAR} if you are Left-handed"
echo " Enter ${BOLD}(2)${REGULAR} if you are Right-Handed"
echo " Enter ${BOLD}(3)${REGULAR} to make current settings persistent on boot if previously"
echo " Enter ${BOLD}(4)${REGULAR} to remove persistence on boot if previously enabled"
echo " Enter ${BOLD}(5)${REGULAR} to Exit w/out changing the current orientation"
echo ''
echo "Invalid option: $REPLY"
echo "Please choose from the following options:"
echo " Enter ${BOLD}(1)${REGULAR} if you are Left-handed"
echo " Enter ${BOLD}(2)${REGULAR} if you are Right-Handed"
echo " Enter ${BOLD}(3)${REGULAR} to make current settings persistent on boot if previously"
echo " Enter ${BOLD}(4)${REGULAR} to remove persistence on boot if previously enabled"
echo " Enter ${BOLD}(5)${REGULAR} to Exit w/out changing the current orientation"
## Persistance Check?
read -p "Persist these chnages? [Y] or [N]: " -n 1 -r
echo ''
echo ''
if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]
sed -i '/wacom_orientation/d' $HOME/.cshrc
echo $HOME/.wacom_orientation.sh >> $HOME/.cshrc
chmod +o $HOME/.wacom_orientation.sh
echo "Tablet rotation is set as: ${BOLD}`xsetwacom get "$STYLUS" rotate`${REGULAR} and will persist for ${BOLD}`id -un`${REGULAR} until this script is ran again."
echo ''
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