"Data in file [name] is corrupt and needs to be manually recovered." when opening cloud model in Revit

Autodesk Support

Mar 17, 2025

Products and versions covered


When opening a cloud collaboration model from BIM 360 in Revit, it appears stuck and the following message appears:

Open Model

Data in file <File name>.rvt is corrupt and needs to be manually recovered.

Data in file <File name>.rvt is corrupt and needs to be manually recovered


Initial Troubleshooting

    1. ​Open the model with all worksets closed. See the following article for information on How to turn off worksets when opening Revit models.
    2. If the model opens with all worksets closed, start opening them one by one. Check if the error returns when accessing a workset containing Revit links.
      1. If the error is related to one or more links, try opening the affected link directly and clear any errors/warnings encountered, then retry loading the link in the host model.
      2. If there are no warnings/errors (or clearing them doesn't clear the issue), check for links with Reference Type set to Attachment, and make sure all of these links can be loaded successfully (even if initially not loaded). If Attachment Reference Type is not needed, consider changing to Overlay.
      3. See the following article for an issue specific to Desktop connector-based links: "Failed to open document" when working with Revit cloud model containing Desktop Connector links

One User Affected

  • Check Hard Disk Space:

    • Check that there is sufficient hard disk space available on the primary C:\ drive to work with the model. To identify the amount of space required, use the following calculation:

      • The size of the model being opened multiplied by 20 (this is required to extract the RVT to the temp folder when the model is open). Plus...

      • All linked RVT models multiplied by 3 (for the cloud cached data).

  • Clear the collaboration cache. See the following article for information on How to clear damaged Revit cloud model cache.

  • Test in another Windows profile. See the following Microsoft page for info on how to Create a user account in Windows

    • If the model opens, sync and close the model. Retest in old profile.

  • Disable add-ons. See the following article for information on how to Check if add-ons are causing unexpected behavior in Revit.

  • Check for Revit updates. Compare the build of Revit on the affected system compared to the builds used by other accounts. If these are different, try matching the Revit build (so that everyone is on the same build) and retry. See the following article for information on How to keep Revit updated.

Multiple Users Affected

  1. On the system encountering the error, move the Collaboration Cache files for the model (and the CentralCache version of the model). Migrate this to the Desktop (or another location outside the Collaboration Cache folder).

  2. Have another account that is able to open and work in the model synchronize using the Compact option (in the Synchronize and Modify settings dialog).

  3. Try opening the model on the problematic system and confirm that the error is cleared.  

  4. For everyone with access to the model, have them all perform a Relinquish All Mine action.

All Users Affected

If the "Missing Elements" Error also Appears

Desktop Connector


Construction Cloud; BIM 360; Revit; Revit Cloud Worksharing;

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