"Some items could not be downloaded since their path was over the limit of 244 characters" when working with Desktop Connector

Autodesk Support

Jan 5, 2024

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When opening or uploading a file using Desktop Connector, a warning is displayed:


Some items could not be downloaded since their path was over the limit of 244 characters.
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If accessing Desktop Connector's Pending Actions menu, the operation state is Failed - action required. In the example below, Civil 3D data shortcuts that violate the path length limit are attempting to be created. The operation, ShortcutsFolders.xml, shows a Conflict Status and the following message:


The operation would result in a path that is too long. The path must be no more than 244 characters.

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As a result of the Windows character limit, Desktop Connector does not support file paths longer than 244 characters. The file you are opening or one of its references contains a path length longer than 244 characters. See: Microsoft's file path length limit of 260 characters for files and 247 characters for folders.

Note: This can occur in Desktop Connector on any Autodesk Windows-based application, which has a restriction on folder path length.


Reduce the file path to less than 244 characters. If you are not sure, which file paths are hitting the limit, follow these steps: 

  1. Generate the Desktop Connector Diagnostic Logs for the session where this issue occurs.
  2. Unzip the folder and navigate to AutodeskDesktopConnectorDiagnostics date time\EventLogs.
  3. Double-click into the file ADSKCDX.evtx to open it with Windows Event Viewer.
  4. In the log, identify the entry showing the error regarding the path length limit. File path length limits messages will be listed as Warnings in the EventLogs.
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  1. Once the problematic file name and location is identified, reduce its path length.
  2. If the file was referenced into another file or object, correct the path manually so the reference is maintained.


AutoCAD Products; Vault Professional; BIM 360; Desktop Connector;

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