FAQ for Fusion Content Storage Standard

Autodesk Support

Jul 18, 2024

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Autodesk Fusion has the Fusion Content Storage Standard (the “Standard”) in place regarding Your Content created and stored in Fusion Hubs (“Fusion Content”) (for example, 3D files and models, drawings, designs, sketches, PDFs and metadata of such items). Your Fusion Content is considered “Your Content” under the Autodesk Terms of Use.

The Standard describes how long your Fusion Content will remain accessible to you even after you are no longer subscribing to or using Fusion. The Standard applies only to your Fusion Content stored within a Fusion Hub, and not to other aspects of your experience with Fusion such as who you have collaborated with or your personal data. The Standard does not apply to your experience with other Autodesk products apart from Fusion.

The Standard does not apply to Education Users.

Offerings subject to the Standard:
Autodesk Fusion offerings

Questions & Answers:

What is the Fusion Content Storage Standard?

For Commercial, Start-Up, and Trial subscribers of Fusion: Your Fusion Content and Fusion Hub are considered inactive once your subscription is expired or cancelled. Your inactive Fusion Content will be accessible to you for 365 days in Basic Access mode after the expiration or cancellation of your subscription. Within the 365-day storage period, you can resubscribe (renew or repurchase) to regain full product capabilities or utilize Basic Access to retain your Fusion Content elsewhere.

For Personal Use subscribers of Fusion: Your Fusion Content and Fusion Hub are considered inactive if you have not maintained your Fusion subscription and have not logged into Fusion for more than 365 consecutive days. Your Fusion Content will remain active if you maintain your active status for your Fusion subscription and if you log into Fusion at least once every 365 days.

Fusion Customer Subscription Type

Inactive StatusStorage Period

Re-gaining Active Status

Commercial, Start-Up, and Trial

Your Fusion Content and Fusion Hub are considered inactive once your subscription is terminated or expired.

Your inactive Fusion Content will be accessible to you for 365 days in Basic Access mode after the termination or expiration of your subscription.

Resubscribe to your Fusion subscription (renew or repurchase) within the storage period.

Personal Use

Your Fusion Content and Fusion Hub are considered inactive if you have not logged into Fusion for more than 365 consecutive days.

365 consecutive inactive days.

Keep your verified Personal Use subscription and log into Fusion at least once every 365 days.

Shared Hub: Any combination of the subscription types above, operating and collaborating in one Fusion Hub

Your Fusion Content and Fusion Hub are considered inactive only when all users in the shared Fusion Hub are inactive.

365 days of inactive status from all team members in the shared Fusion Hub.

A team member can re-gain their active status (in the subscription types above) which will re-gain active status for such a Fusion Hub.


Why is there the Fusion Content Storage Standard?

The purpose of the Standard is to safeguard your Fusion Content. Our priority is to make it as easy as possible for you to maintain an active Fusion Hub and subscription, while also protecting your Fusion Content and preventing unauthorized access, even after you’re no longer using our services.

I am a Commercial Subscriber; how does this impact me?

For Commercial subscribers of Fusion, your Fusion Content is considered inactive once your subscription is expired or cancelled. Your Fusion Content will be accessible to you for 365 days after expiration or cancellation of your subscription. At the end of the relevant storage period, your Fusion Content may no longer be accessible or recoverable.

Within the 365-day storage period, you can:

  • Resubscribe (renew or repurchase) to regain full product capabilities and resume active hub status.
  • Utilize Basic Access to retain your Fusion Content elsewhere.

I am a Start-Up Subscriber; how does this impact me?

For Start-Up subscribers of Fusion, your Fusion Hub is considered inactive once your Start-Up subscription is expired or cancelled. Your Fusion Content will be accessible to you for 365 days in Basic Access mode after expiration or cancellation of your subscription. At the end of the relevant storage period, your Fusion Content may no longer be accessible or recoverable.

Within the 365-day storage period, you can:

  • Subscribe to a commercial subscription of Fusion to regain full product capabilities and resume active hub status.
  • Utilize Basic Access to retain your Fusion Content elsewhere.

I am a Trial Subscriber; how does this impact me?

For Trial users of Fusion, your Fusion Content is considered inactive once your trial is expired or cancelled. Your Fusion Content will be accessible to you for 365 days in Basic Access mode after the trial has expired. At the end of the relevant storage period, your Fusion Content may no longer be accessible or recoverable.

Within the 365-day storage period, you can:

  • Subscribe to a commercial subscription of Fusion to regain full product capabilities and resume active hub status.
  • Utilize Basic Access to retain your Fusion Content elsewhere.

I am a Personal Subscriber; how does this impact me?

For Personal Users, your Fusion Content is considered inactive for each day you do not log in. Your Fusion Content will be accessible to you for 365 consecutive days of inactivity. To maintain or regain active status: keep an active subscription as a Personal User and log in at least once every 365 days. Each active day resets or restarts the full data storage period.

At the end of the relevant storage period, your Fusion Content may no longer be accessible or recoverable.

I am an Education Subscriber; how does this impact me?

No, the Standard does not apply to Education Users.

I am Flex Subscriber; how does this impact me?

For Flex Users, your Fusion Content and Fusion Hub are considered inactive once your tokens are consumed or expired. Your Fusion Content will be accessible to you for 365 days in Basic Access mode after your tokens are consumed or expired. At the end of the relevant storage period, your Fusion Content may no longer be accessible or recoverable.

Within the 365-day storage period, you can:

  • Buy additional Flex tokens.
  • Subscribe to a commercial subscription of Fusion to regain full product capabilities and resume active hub status.
  • Utilize Basic Access to retain your Fusion Content elsewhere.

I am an Enterprise User; how does this impact me?

For Enterprise Users, your Fusion Content and Fusion Hub are considered inactive once your Enterprise Agreement ends. Your Fusion Content will be accessible to you for 365 days in Basic Access mode after your Enterprise Agreement ends. At the end of the relevant storage period, your Fusion Content may no longer be accessible or recoverable.

What happens to my Fusion Content after the end of the storage period?

At the end of the relevant storage period, your Fusion Content may no longer be accessible or recoverable.

How will I be reminded or informed when I’m reaching the end of the storage period?

First: You will first be reminded of your expiring subscription. Prior to expiration, renewal reminders will be emailed to you or your contract manager. Learn more on this Renewals webpage.

Second: As your Fusion Content nears the end of the data storage period (365 days), reminders about that will be emailed to you or your contract manager. These emails are final notices ahead of your loss of access to your Fusion Content.

Important: Keep your email address associated to your Autodesk Account updated to ensure you receive reminders about subscription end-date and notice near the end of the data storage period.

Can I access my Fusion Content for longer than the specified period?

After the applicable storage period (365 consecutive days), your Fusion Content may no longer be accessible.

Where can I access my Fusion Content during the storage period?

Your Fusion Content can be accessed on Fusion web client via web browser. If you do not have an active subscription or entitlement, you can view your Fusion Content in Basic Access mode.

What is Basic Access mode?

When your subscription expires, you will still have Basic Access to your Fusion Content during the storage period. With Basic Access you can choose to retain your Fusion Content elsewhere.

How do I move my data out of a Fusion Hub?

You can move your Fusion Content by exporting (downloading), or by transferring projects across Fusion Hubs. Additionally, there are open source add-on scripts that exist for bulk export.

What is the difference between my Fusion Content and my Fusion Hub?

Your Fusion Hub stores your Fusion Content, which includes all your design data and Fusion content. You access your Fusion Content as you work and save in Fusion, and you can also access your Fusion Content directly in your Fusion Hub (via Fusion web client). Read more in this Autodesk Support article.

How can I ensure I do not lose access to my Fusion Content?

For Commercial, Start-Up, and Trial subscribers, you can ensure you do not lose access to your Fusion Content by keeping an active Fusion subscription. It is possible to cancel a subscription and still maintain access to data with a Personal Use subscription. Read more in this Autodesk Support article.

For Personal Use subscribers, you can ensure you do not lose access to your Fusion Content by keeping an active subscription and by logging in to Fusion at least once every 365 days.

Keep your email address associated to your Autodesk Account updated to also ensure you receive reminders about your subscription end-date and notice near the end of the data storage period (365 days).

Can I lose access to my Fusion Content before the storage period ends?

Your will lose access to your Fusion Content only after the storage period of 365 days. You may also choose to manage or delete your Fusion Content before the end of the storage period. You can log in to Fusion (via desktop or web) to manage and delete your Fusion Content. For further information about the rights and choices you have regarding your personal data, in additional content data (such as Fusion Content), read more in Autodesk’s Privacy Statement.

Does the Fusion Content Storage Standard apply to other Autodesk products?

The Standard applies only to Fusion, Fusion Extensions and Fusion Team.

How does the Fusion Content Storage Standard apply to other products such as Fusion Manage, Fusion Operations, or Vault?

The Standard only applies to Fusion, Fusion Team, and all the Fusion Extensions (including Fusion Manage Extension) but does not apply to Fusion Manage or Fusion Manage Hubs. It does not apply to Upchain. It does not apply to Fusion Operations. It does not apply to Vault or Vault clients.

How does the Fusion Content Storage Standard affect third-party or API integrations with Fusion?

The Standard only applies to data stored within a Fusion Hub.

Can I customize or ask for an extension to my data storage?

No. There is no exception process or means of an extension to the Fusion Content Storage Standard.

How does this impact backup copies of my Fusion Content I keep locally (not kept by Autodesk)?

Document recovery or locally cached files within the Fusion local hard drive directory are managed separately and are not applicable to the Fusion Content Storage Standard. Read more in this support article: How to find recovery files in Fusion.

How does the Fusion Content Storage Standard apply to my personal data, my Autodesk User ID, and my Autodesk Account?

The Standard doesn’t apply to your Autodesk Account, or personal data. For further information about the rights and choices you have regarding your personal data, read more in Autodesk’s Privacy Statement.

I have multiple users in my Fusion Hub; how does this impact me?

Your Fusion Content is considered inactive only when all Team Members in the Hub are inactive. If no Team Member has an active subscription, and all are inactive or in Basic Access mode, then the Hub will enter the storage period.

If there are multiple Team Members in your Hub who have an active Commercial, Start-Up, or Trial subscription, then your Hub will remain active.

If there are multiple Team Members in your Hub who have an active Personal Use subscription, your Hub will remain active if at least one user logs in to your Hub during the storage period (once every 365 days).

Note: Any invited users to the Fusion Hub will have to accept the invitation and join the Hub to be considered a Hub Team Member. Users who are invited but have not yet accepted or joined the Hub are not considered a Team Member in that Hub.

I work across multiple Hubs; some Hubs I’ve created and some Hubs that others have created; how does this impact me?

Your Fusion Content is considered inactive only when all Team Members in the Hub are inactive. If no Team Member has an active subscription, and all are inactive or in Basic Access mode, then the Hub will enter the storage period.



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