An asymmetric valve will be shown in an AutoCAD Plant 3D isometric with random directions

Autodesk Support

Oct 8, 2023

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An asymmetric valve will be shown in an AutoCAD Plant 3D isometric with random directions. Sometimes the iso valve symbol shows in the correct direction, sometimes into the other direction. An example of these type of valves would be Check Valves.


The valve in the model is not set to be flow dependent.


When an asymmetric valve with the property Flow Dependent=False is used in the 3D Model, the valve will be placed in the direction of the pipe creation, consequently the Isometric drawing will show the valves direction as they were placed originally. Even the valves are flipped in the 3D model the Isometric drawings will always show the original direction.

In order to be able to control the direction of the valve in the isometric drawings follow these steps:
  1. Open the specific project spec and double-click the specific valve component.
  2. Check in column "Flow Dependent" for each size of this valve separately.
  3. Save the spec and run PLANTSPECUPDATECHECK.
The valve symbol will be shown in the correct flow direction in a new isometric drawing.


AutoCAD Plant 3D;

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