Insulation is not displayed on Fabrication parts in Revit

Autodesk Support

May 14, 2024

Products and versions covered


When working with insulated Fabrication parts in Revit, one or more of the following occurs:
  • The Insulation Specification is not carried over for fittings that are inserted automatically, such as Couplings:
  • The Insulation Specification is applied as expected, but the Insulation Material is not graphically displayed:


One or more of the following fields are set to "Off" or "Not Set", and locked, in the Fabrication pattern default settings:
  • Insulation Material
  • Insulation Specification


To resolve the issue, unlock the Insulation settings in the default Fabrication item:

  1. In CADmep, or any other Fabrication product, switch to any Service using the affected part.
  2. Right-click the Item Service Button > Edit > Unrestricted: <Item filename>:
  1. In the Item dialog, click "Item".
  2. Unlock the "Insulation" or "Insul Spec" field:
  1. Click "OK".
  2. In Revit, reload the Fabrication Configuration. 


Fabrication Products; Revit Product Family;

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