Geolocation maps not covering western Norway in Civil 3D

Autodesk Support

Feb 11, 2025

Products and versions covered


Users reported that the Civil 3D library for Norway does not include any maps that cover the western part of the country.


Reported for Civil 3D 2025. Reproduced in Civil 3D 2024, 2023, and 2022.


To fix this issue, follow the following workflow:

  1. Open Civil 3D.
  2. Open your project drawing.
  3. Enter the command MAPCSLIBRARY.
  4. Search for the EPSG: 25832 map and select it.
  5. Click “Duplicate”.
  6. A new Coordinate System with "User defined" status should appear. If not visible, clear the search bar and write '32N' in the search bar and look for it.
  7. Select your new Coordinate System.
  8. Click “Edit”.
  9. Go to the “Parameters” tab.
  10. Reduce the “Minimum longitude” value. Value '0' corresponds to the Greenwich meridian.
  11. Click “Save” and close.
  12. Selecting your custom Coodinate System, click “Assign” and close.
  13. Save your drawing and close Civil 3D.
  14. Reopen Civil 3D.
  15. In the Geolocation tab, select the preferred map service.

The map should cover your project area.


Civil 3D; AutoCAD Map 3D;


2022; 2024; 2023; 2025;

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