How to transfer Fusion projects from Single User Storage to a Fusion Team Hub

Autodesk Support

Feb 11, 2025

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Users reported that projects, folders, and designs need to be transferred from a Personal Hub (single-user storage) to a Fusion Team Hub.


To transfer all data from a Personal hub (Single User Storage) to a Team hub

  1. Visit the Fusion Team Hub Onboarding site.
  2. Sign in to the account with the data to be transferred. If moving within the same account, disregard this step. 
  3. If a Fusion Team Hub does not exist yet:
    1. Create a Fusion Team hub under the Destination team.
    2. Transfer any existing projects over to the new team hub.
  4. If a Fusion Team Hub exists, select the project that needs to be moved to the Team Hub.
  5. Once all projects are selected, press next to complete the transfer.
Transfer to destination folder

Note: If the desired destination Team Hub does not show up, ask the Fusion Team admin of that hub to manually invite members. Once invited and the invitation is accepted by email, restart this process.

To transfer a single project from a Personal hub (Single User Storage) to a Team hub

  1. Access the Single-User Hub in the online browser.
  2. Find the project in the list.
  3. Hover over the project and the "Transfer" option should appear.
Transfer Option
  1. Select the team hub that would like to transfer and complete the process.


  • Admin or Team Member status of the destination hub (the hub that the data is being transferred to) is required to transfer projects. Reach out to the Fusion Team admin to assign the correct role. See Administer Team Members and Roles
  • Project contributors are not able to transfer data and the destination team hub may appear dimmed.
  • For other transfer procedures or issues when transferring, see: How to transfer projects in Autodesk Fusion.



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