Can a temperature difference plot be shown for 3D analyses in Moldflow?

Autodesk Support

Oct 8, 2023

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After completing a cool analysis on a 3D part in Moldflow Insight, is it possible to view the temperature difference between two sides of a part?


No, there is no plot for 3D analyses that will show the temperature difference between two sides similar to the Temperature difference, part result available in midplane analyses. 

To better visualize the difference between the temperature of one side compared to another in a 3D analysis:
  • In the Temperature, part plot, set the Scaling in the Properties to Per Frame.  This may show a better visualization between the temperature differences.
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  • Create a new Temperature, part plot as a Probe XY plot.  Select areas of interest on the part, and the temperature through the thickness will be graphed.  The first point and last point on the graph are the temperatures of each side of the thickness of the part.
User-added image



Moldflow Insight;

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