Dot or double dot symbols are saved in Content Center Family properties while not used by instance process in Inventor

Autodesk Support

Nov 28, 2023

Products and versions covered


Users reported that dot or double dot symbols are saved in the family folder name property of an Inventor Content Center family.



This incident is being investigated for a possible cause and resolution.

Additional Information:

When the content center parts are create the dot and double dots at the end of the path will be automatically removed as they are special windows symbols. 3rd party Add-Ins that read the Family Folder Name property and do not handle it as a path but a string might use wrong paths.


  1. Click Tools > Content Center > Editor.
  2. Change Library View to the custom content center library.
  3. Right-click the family > Family Properties...
  1. In the Family Folder Name property remove the trailing dots.
  1. Click OK.
  2. Repeat for all other families with a dot or double dot in the family name.


Inventor Professional;

Incident ID:


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