“Invalid order of phases: an object cannot be demolished before it was created” while loading model group into Revit project

Autodesk Support

Jul 9, 2024

Products and versions covered


While re-loading the model group into the Revit project the following message is displayed:

Invalid order of phases: an object cannot be demolished before it was created.” 


The group cannot be loaded into the project.


One element within the group has the same phase assigned as the Phase Created and Phase Demolished at the same time.


To avoid the warning message check the following steps:
1. Open the group separately in Revit.
2. Check the phase assignment to the elements, search for elements that have the same phase selected for the fields Phase Created and Phase Demolished.
3. If the mentioned elements will be found, change the phase assignment to have only one stage for one phase. 
4. Save the changes in the group.
5. Load the group into the project. 


Revit Product Family;



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