Information on session specific licensing for Nastran

Autodesk Support

Oct 8, 2023

Products and versions covered


Starting with Autodesk Nastran 2016, the product is only available as a session specific network license, what does this mean?


Autodesk Session Specific Network Licensing model differs from its Standard Network Licensing model in several ways. Be aware of the following before you set up a Network License Manager server for Autodesk Nastran 2016 (and later versions):
  • Licensed per session, not per computer. Each instance of Autodesk Nastran consumes a separate seat from the session-specific server. For example, if you have three instances of Autodesk Nastran running on Computer X and two instances running on Computer Y, a total of five seats are consumed from the session-specific server. This is different from standard network licensing behavior, in which only one seat is consumed per client computer. (An "instance" can be running the Nastran Editor or performing an analysis.)
  • No license borrowing. You cannot borrow session-specific licenses from the server for offline use.





2017; 2016; 2018;

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