AutoCAD dwg files have some issues with certain layouts by checking into Vault

Autodesk Support

Nov 16, 2023

Products and versions covered


When checking AutoCAD dwg files into Vault, AutoCAD creates the visualization file. Some files are running in a layout issue. 


  1. Vault Client: 
    1. Enable the Initialize Layouts option in the Vault client
    2. In Vault client, navigate to Tools > Administration > Vault Settings > Visualization > Publish Options > Options
    3. Select AutoCAD Common from the 'Application' drop-down
    4. Enable the Initialize Layouts option
  1. AutoCAD:
    1. Open the drawing file in AutoCAD
    2. AutoCAD > Options
    3. Options > "Printer Support File Path"  > Check, that the Windows user can access the configured file path.
    4. Select Tab: Model > right click > Page Setup Manager...
  1. Page setup Manager > Modify...
  2. Page Setup - Model > Shaded viewport options: Shade plot = As displayed
  1. Save the dwg file
  2. Check in into Vault by creating dwf(x) file.


AutoCAD Products; Vault Products;

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