AutoCAD Plant 3D objects are missing or showing as wireframe in Navisworks

Autodesk Support

Dec 4, 2024

Products and versions covered


When loading or opening a DWG or an NWF containing DWG files from AutoCAD Plant 3D to Navisworks, objects (for example, fittings, pumps, and pipe elbows) are displayed as wireframes or are missing.

Image showing AutoCAD Plant 3d objects in Navisworks are displayed as wireframe in Navisworks


  • Object Enabler is not installed or corrupt installation.
  • Object Enabler is installed after AutoCAD Plant 3D updates installation for AutoCAD Plant 3D 2022 and later. 


Install AutoCAD Plant 3D Object Enabler

  1. Check your list of installed programs (in Windows) to see if the object enabler is installed.

  2. Download and install the version that matches the version of Navisworks, if not already installed. (see download links farther in the article).

    • Note: For 2023 and later, install the Object Enabler for AutoCAD Plant 3D <version> (Navisworks) from your Autodesk Account or Autodesk Access under the Navisworks Manage software Plug-ins section.

  3. If the Object Enabler installer indicates it is already installed but does not show in Control Panel>Programs, Run the MS Fix it a tool to detect issues with Uninstalling/Installing.

  4. Clear any NWC files associated with the Plant 3D DWGs before reopening the NWF/DWGs after installing the object enabler.

Corrupt AutoCAD Plant 3D Object Enabler

  1. Uninstall AutoCAD Plant 3D <version> Object Enabler.

  2. Uninstall AutoCAD Plant 3D <version>.

  3. Delete everything in %TEMP%-folder, which is possible. Ignore the rest.

  4. Delete/rename those two folders:

    • C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Autodesk\Autodesk AutoCAD Plant 3D <version>

    • C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\Autodesk AutoCAD Plant 3D <version>

  5. Install AutoCAD Plant 3D <version>.

  6. Install AutoCAD Plant 3D <version> Object Enabler.

  7. Start Navisworks <version> and try opening this DWG.

Note: If the Object Enabler installer indicates it is already installed but does not show in Control Panel>Programs, Run the MS Fix it tool to detect issues with Uninstalling/Installing.

Shaded Render Type

  1. Open Navisworks.

  2. Click the blue "N" in the upper left corner.

  3. Go to Options > File Readers > DWG/DXF.

  4. Scroll down to Render Type and change it to Shaded.

  5. Select OK.

  6. Restart Navisworks.

  7. Reopen the DWG file.

  8. Rename any corresponding NWC files if the behavior persists.

  9. Retest.

Alternative solutions

  • Export your AutoCAD Plant 3D drawing using the NWCOUT command.

Note: Always reopen Navisworks and delete formerly created NWC cache files from the same location where MEP DWG files are stored.


AutoCAD Plant 3D; Navisworks Products;

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