How to export wall panel to RC slab provided reinforcement module when ACI code is set for reinforcement design in Robot Structural Analysis

Autodesk Support

Dec 13, 2021

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Wall panlel is exported to RC wall provided reinforcement design module when ACI code is set for reinforcement design in Robot Structural Analysis. How to export wall panel to RC slab provided reinforcement module.


Wall panel Structure object type is set to Panel or wall in Panels table.


Set wall panel Structure object type to Floor, calculate required reinforcement and export wall panel to RC provided reinforcement module.

Follow the steps.
  1. Select wall panels.
  2. Open View >Tables.
  3. Select Slabs and Shells table.
  4. Select Tables filtered to current selection.
  5. OK.
  1. For selected panels change Structure object type to Floor.
  2. Validate modification by Enter or Tab from keyboars.
  1. Calculate model with Analysis >Calculations.
  2. Calculate panels required reinforcement with Design >Required reinforcement for Slabs/Walls -Options >Calculations.
  1. Activate structure graphical viewer.
  2. Select wall panel again (if necessary).
  3. Open Design >Provided reinforcement of RC Elements.


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