"Tr worker fail to download" message in the Publish logs and failed extraction when publishing Revit models to BIM360 Document Management

Autodesk Support

Oct 8, 2023

Products and versions covered


When publishing Revit models to BIM360 Document Management, an extraction failure appears with an error code message "Tr worker fail to download" in the Published logs.

In the Document Management Publish Details Log, the following extractor error is shown:
       “success”: “3%”,
       “messages”: [
           “type”: “error”,
           “message”: “Tr worker fail to download.”,
           “code”: “TranslationWorker-InternalFailure”


To resolve this issue:
  • Publish the Revit model again to BIM360 Document Management.


Revit; Revit Cloud Worksharing; BIM 360;

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