Linked DWG file moves to unexpected location after "Move instance to: DefaultLocation" in Revit

Autodesk Support

Oct 8, 2023

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Users reported that in Revit models in which the Acquire Coordinates command has been used on a linked DWG file, the DWG file's geometry may be moved to an unexpected location after these steps have been taken:

  1. The linked DWG file's geometry is manually moved. When the Warning message "Shared Sites in the link [filename] have been modified, but not saved back to the link" appears, Save Now is clicked.
  2. The linked DWG file's geometry is selected.
  3. In the Properties palette, in the Shared Site row, the DefaultLocation button is clicked.
  4. In the Choose Site dialog box, "Move instance to" and DefaultLocation are chosen, and OK is clicked.

Another workflow which will lead to this issue

See screencast:

  1. Create new Revit project with length unit set to mm.
  2. Link attached DWG center to center.
  3. Move the DWG to the right position related to the project base point.
  4. Specify coordinates at this point (based on the World Coordinate values at the same point in the DWG file)
  5. Save project.
  6. Remove linked DWG.
  7. Link the DWG again using "Auto - by shared coordinates".
  8. Revit reports: "This project and the link do not share the same coordinate system. The link´s World coordinates will be aligned with this project´s Shared coordinates".
  9. The linked DWG moves to the correct position.
  10. Save Revit project - select the option: "Save – Saves the new position back to the link."
  11. Remove DWG.
  12. Link the DWG again - by shared coordinates.

If acquiring coordinates from the survey DWG - and having multiple DWG files sharing the same World Coordinate System in AutoCAD linked in the same Revit project, all other DWG files than the one the coordinates have been acquired from will get moved away from the correct position after saving the project > removing the DWGs > link them again by shared coordinates.



This incident has been reviewed. A resolution is being planned for a future release.

Additional Information:

Investigation of this incident determined that it occurs when there is modification of the shared coordinates (as described in Step 1 above).



  1. Each user in the project needs to remember to choose the option "Disable shared positioning" on every save.
  2. Never delete + "relink" linked DWG files, but always use Manage Links > Unload - Reload / Reload from.


Incident ID:





2019; 2020; 2021; 2022;

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