System requirements and SolidWorks compatibility for HSMWorks

Autodesk Support

May 14, 2024

Products and versions covered


Which versions of HSMWorks are compatible with various versions of SolidWorks and what are the hardware and software requirements for both.


Because HSM is installed as an add-in for SOLIDWORKS, the system must meet the requirements for these programs.

HSMWorks and HSMXpress for SOLIDWORKS

Computer hardware and operating system must meet the SOLIDWORKS system requirements as described at the link below:

HSMWorks and HSMXpress support the current SOLIDWORKS version and two previous versions.

Installing HSMWorks or HSMXpress

The recommended process is to install HSM products through an Autodesk account.

The development, production, and Xpress versions are also linked below: NOTE: The downloads on the development pages are development releases that contain the latest features and fixes. The development versions are, however, not thoroughly tested, and therefore not suitable for production use. For production work, use the latest production versions.

SOLIDWORKS is a registered trademark of Dassault Systèmes SOLIDWORKS Corporation.


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