Plant 3D with Vault: How to create revisions for isometrics (tested with Plant/Vault 2018)

Autodesk Support

Feb 16, 2018

  1. Do your checks with the “Check..” iso style.
  2. For your final run when creating a revision in Vault, you need to check the following setting for your final iso style:
  3. Now create a revision of the existing iso files of a particular line number
  4. Now check out all the isos of that particular line number
  5. Now create the isos for that particular line number (critical here is the setting shown above: “Overwrite existing files”). Don’t forget to put the revision in the production dialog to appear on the iso sheet.
  6. You will see the files that changed from the symbol in from of the file name in the project manager (turns green).
  7. Open all the isos that you just created (You need this not just for reviewing, but also for checking them in)
  8. Now check them back in.

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