How to model a corridor for automated machine guidance (AMG)

Autodesk Support

Apr 30, 2018


Automated machine guidance (AMG) provides horizontal and vertical guidance to construction machines like dozers, graders, scrapers, and pavers. In road, highway, and railway construction, AMG has become a game changer for quality, efficiency, and safety. Civil 3D can help you get data for construction layout and machine automation and replace 2D, paper-based workflows with content-rich and powerful 3D digital workflows. 
AMG typically requires data sets that are terrain models of the construction stages of the project. For example, you need the following data sets:

  • Datum for grading operations.
  • Basecourse for base placing and trimming operations.
  • Top to help machine operators interpret the design intent.
  • Exist to verify existing ground accuracy in the field.  

You also need 3D lines to steer the machines. For example, you could use lines that represent the crown of the road, the edge of pavement, and curbs or sidewalks.


Construction surveyors, site or transportation planners who prepare data for construction, and anyone who develops 3D models for AMG technology in construction


Build a digital 3D model in Civil 3D, extract feature lines as reference lines, and then export the lines in appropriate formats. Workflow steps are:

  1. Use AutoCAD Civil 3D for corridor modeling to create flexible, configurable 3D models of corridors, such as roads, highways, and railways.
  2. Create the corridor model surfaces for each construction stage of the project.
  3. Extract the feature lines needed as reference lines.
  4. Export the model surfaces and feature lines into various formats that AMG control systems can use. For example, you can export the feature lines as DWG, and you can export the Corridor Surfaces as LandXML files


For AMG, a digital Civil 3D model helps reduce surveying and staking, save grade checking, make earthmoving more efficient, and increase overall efficiency. The result is reduced project costs. 

What Next:

For details about implementing a model-based approach to design and construction, see Create a Custom Subassembly and Build a Roadway Corridor Model for Automated Machine Guidance Operations and Prepare a Civil 3D Design for Automated Machine Guidance (AMG).

Civil 3D is in the Architecture, Engineering & Construction Collection, giving you access to a set of integrated tools and powerful BIM workflows in one complete package. Discover the power of the AEC Collection for Construction.

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