Licensing Support Tool

Autodesk Support

Mar 28, 2023


The Autodesk Licensing Support Tool is a cross-platform standalone command line-based and UI-based application that offers CLMv2 and CLMv1 component visibility and configuration. This tool simplifies the process of retrieving information that are often obscure or difficult to locate such as licensing component versions and registered Autodesk products. Furthermore, this tool aids in the debugging process by easing the configuration of log levels as well as collecting and zipping relevant log files to a desired location (log level and log file collections is for CLMv2 only). 

Overall, the Autodesk Licensing Support Tool is designed to allow Autodesk internal development and support teams to query and retrieve debugging related information and files efficiently.


What's new?

In this release, the support tool configuration is updated to support the latest version of Autodesk products and internal components:

  • Autodesk products for FY25 GL
  • The support tool collects more log files, those include but are not limited to: IDSDK, ADLM, AdskLicensingUpdateSupport, and Agent-std
  • The list of URLs that are checked has been updated, now including IDSDK 

The list of products, logs that are collected, and URLs that are checked can now be easily updated via an automatically downloaded configuration file posted by Autodesk Licensing Support Tool team.


  • Changing the license method of 2019 & earlier versions of Maya, MotionBuilder, and Mudbox is not supported.
  • On Mac, the licensing service logs are not collected when rotated service logs are present. Workaround is to call the Autodesk Licensing Support Tool with sudo: ie: sudo -E ./ -l
  • On Mac, the Autodesk Licensing Support Tool UI does not always come forward when launched: Workaround: click on the support tool icon in the dock
  • On Mac, when clicking on a url in the Autodesk Licensing Support Tool UI, the link will be opened in Safari, not the default browser set by the user.
  • The command line --info command does not return the list of installed products. Workaround: On Windows/macOS the Autodesk Licensing Support Tool UI correctly shows the list of installed products.
  • On Mac 14 Sonoma, running the Autodesk Licensing Support Tool UI a second time will print on the terminal: "WARNING: Secure coding is not enabled for restorable state!" – this is expected and should be ignored.



Download and unzip AdskLicensingSupportTool for your machine platform. All applications are signed with Autodesk certificates.


x86_64: Download

ARM64: not supported


For macOS 12 Monterey and laterDownload

For macOS 11 Big Sur and earlier, use older version Download



Validating GPG certificate

Two files are needed to validate the GPG signature:

Then run the following commands to de-armor the public key file to .asc.gpg format. Then using the public key, verify the detached signature file is correct for the .tar.gz file.

$ gpg --dearmor --yes AdskLicensingSupportTool-Public.asc
$ gpgv --keyring ./AdskLicensingSupportTool-Public.asc.gpg ./AdskLicensingSupportTool- ./AdskLicensingSupportTool-
gpgv: Signature made Fri Mar 22 13:46:27 2024 PDT
gpgv:                using RSA key A5F384B3129A9293AEB55D841C916B04327435BB
gpgv: Good signature from "Autodesk Inc. <>"

How to launch the Autodesk Licensing Support Tool UI

  1. Open Windows Explorer
  2. Navigate to the folder that the tool has been extracted to
  3. Double click on AdskLicensingSupportToolUI.exe
  4. Depending on your windows settings, a User Account Control dialog may pop up asking to allow the app to make changes to your device
  5. Click the Yes button
  1. Launch terminal
  2. Change to the directory that contains the tool
  3. Then enter:

    sudo -E ./
LinuxThe UI version of the AdskLicensingSupportTool is not available on Linux


Using the UI

The UI consists of 5 tabs:

  • Installed Products tab

Shows a list of installed products, their versions, the current license method and the product key. Allows the user to change the license method of selected products

To change one or more products:

  • Select the desired products in the table
  • Select the desired license method for the selected products
  • Click the Apply changes button.

A dialog will pop up letting the user know what products were changed, which were not changed and which were skipped.

The command line actions section below will show the command line parameters to use for those wishing to change the license method using the command line.

NOTE: Pre-Release products cannot have their license methods changed. This is by-design.


Logging tab


Both the Product and AdskLicensingSupportTool should have environment variables set

  • ADLSDK_LOG_DIR=<path>

Enable verbose logging in the Licensing SDK and ADLM log files


Set the following  system-wide environment variable:

  • Find  Advanced System Settings  dialog → Select  Advanced  tab → Select  Environment Variables...  button)


  • Select the "New" button in the  System Variables  section to set the ADLSDK_LOG_LEVEL environment variable to: T, ie set Variable name field to ADLSDK_LOG_LEVEL, and the Variable value field to T


  • Repeat the above step to set ADLM_DEBUG_MODE environment variable to 1

  • As an optional step, set the ADLSDK_LOG_DIR environment variable to place the SDK log files in the path specified:
    • Create i.e. c:\temp\sdklog if doesn't exist
    • Create new variable: ADLSDK_LOG_DIR=c:\temp\sdklog  


Use a terminal to set current session environment variable as below.

  • export ADLSDK_LOG_DIR=<path>
    e.g. /tmp/sdklog (ensure this folder path has writeable permissions)
  • export ADLM_DEBUG_MODE=1

    Remember to use the same terminal window for further operation to inherit environment variables, once you close the terminal/console the shell's variables are removed.

Collects logs for the licensing related processes/services into a zip file into user specified folder

The log collector requires that logs be verbose so that Licensing developers can troubleshoot any issues that a customer may have with licensing. As such a wizard will walk the user through the process of collecting logs.

The wizard will do the following:

  • Ask the user to turn on Verbose logging
  • Prompt the user to shutdown any running Autodesk products
  • After shutting down the running Autodesk products the AdskLicensingService and AdskLicensingAgent services will be shutdown
  • Set the log level to verbose for both AdskLicensngService and AdskLicensingAgent and restart the AdskLicensingService
  • Prompt the user to restart the Autodesk product that he/she is having a licensing problem with
  • Collect the log files into a file into a user specified folder

    The following licensing and identity related logs will be collected:
    • AdskLicensingService
    • AdskLicensingAgent
    • AdskLicensingSDK
    • WebServices
    • Adlm
    • Installer
    • AdskLicensingSupportTool
  • Prompt the user to shutdown running Autodesk products so that AdskLicensingService and AdskLicensingAgent can have their log levels reset to Info and restart the AdskLicensingService

  • User can then click on the Open folder button to open the folder in Windows explorer or Finder in which the zip file was saved

  • Connections tab

Checks that all the necessary URLs required for named-user licensing to operate properly are accessible.

To see a list of URLs that are not accessible from the computer, click on the Check URLs button. After a minute or so a list of URLs will be displayed along with whether or not they are accessible. 

Below, is a sample result of clicking the Check URLs button

By default, it will allow you to check URLs used by CLMv2. This method closely matches how CLMv2 would check for connectivity via the proxy server.

If there are issues connecting with the proxy server using the above method, the following environment variables may be used as an alternative to configure the proxy environment.

set HTTP_PROXY=http://<hostname or ip address of proxy server>:<port no>
set HTTPS_PROXY=http://<hostname or ip address of proxy server>:<port no>

Set these environment variables, then restart AdskLicensingSupportTool and check the URLs again by clicking Check URLs button.

More information is documented here.

  • Reset Login tab

Deletes the LoginState.xml file in case the user is unable to Sign into Autodesk when launching the Autodesk product

In some cases, users are unable to login to Autodesk to authorize their products. Deleting the LoginState.xml file usually solves the problem.

After clicking on the Reset login state button, the user is asked to shutdown all Autodesk products before continuing.

if successful, the file will be deleted and the following sample messages will be shown

  • Components Info

Shows the version of each licensing related component and whether or not the AdskLicensingService is running


How to use the command line version of the Autodesk Licensing Support Tool

  1. Launch command prompt as an administrator
  2. Switch to the directory that contains the tool
  3. Enter "AdskLicensingSupportTool.exe -v" to verify the support tool version
  1. Launch terminal
  2. Switch to the directory that contains the tool
  3. Enter "./ -v" to verify the support tool version
  1. Launch terminal
  2. Switch to the directory that contains the tool
  3. Enter "./AdskLicensingSupportTool -v" to verify the support tool version

For Mac/Linux enter "sudo -E AdskLicensingSupportTool [parameter]" if admin privilege is required.

This tool partially supports Clic releases that were made between FY17 and FY19 (CLMv1). It supports resetting LGS via (-r), but it does not collect CLMv1 log files or change the log file verbosity.


Collecting SDK Logs

Step-by-step guide to collecting licensing related log files


  1. Download AdskLicensingSupportTool (see link above).
  2. Open an Administrator Command Prompt on Windows, or for Mac/Linux in a terminal window and use "sudo -E" for commands..

3.     In the same terminal, use the Support Tool SetVerboseLogging command to configure verbose logging for AdskLicensing service and agent

Note the -E between  sudo  and ./AdskLicensingSupportTool on mac and linux. This passes the user environment variables to the sudo user so that the Support Tool can correctly capture the SDK log files. 


AdskLicensingSupportTool.exe --setverboselogging


       sudo -E ./ -


sudo -E ./AdskLicensingSupportTool --setverboselogging

4.      If the issue can be reproduced with simple steps, please stop the service, remove the existing agent log, service log files, then start the service again.

Service and Agent Log File locations


    • Service:  %PROGRAMDATA%\Autodesk\AdskLicensingService\Log\AdskLicensingService.log
    • Agent:     %PROGRAMDATA%\Autodesk\AdskLicensingService\Log\AdskLicensingAgent.log


    • Service: /Library/Application Support/Autodesk/AdskLicensingService/Log/AdskLicensingService.log
    • Agent:    /Library/Application Support/Autodesk/AdskLicensingService/Log/AdskLicensingAgent.log


    • Service: /var/opt/Autodesk/AdskLicensingService/Log/AdskLicensingService.log
    • Agent:   /var/opt/Autodesk/AdskLicensingService/Log/AdskLicensingAgent.log

Engaging in this practice of deleting log files reduces the log file size to a minimum and facilitate easier identification of the issue's location by our DEV team. If the issue is time-consuming or difficult to reproduce, this step may be skipped, but then please provide a comment with the timestamp for when the issue occurred.

5.      In the same terminal, launch the product and reproduce the issue
For Mac: In the same terminal window where the environment variables were set, launch the product: e.g

/Applications/Autodesk/AutoCAD\ 2022/AutoCAD\ &

Note: & at the end so that it would run as a background process

6.      In the same terminal, use the Support Tool GetLogs command to collect the logs into a single zip file


AdskLicensingSupportTool.exe --getlogs

NOTE: For Mac/Linux, run this command without sudo. If that fails, then use "sudo -E".


       ./ --getlogs


       ./AdskLicensingSupportTool --getlogs

The tool will report whether or not the log files are verbose after collecting them.
Note the file location resulting from this step.


  1. In the same terminal, use the Support tool SetDefaultLogging command to restore default logging.


AdskLicensingSupportTool.exe --setdefaultlogging
  1. NOTE: If you set  ADLSDK_LOG_LEVEL or other variables, then you should manually remove those environment variables using the  Advanced System Settings dialog.


sudo -E ./ -


sudo -E ./AdskLicensingSupportTool --setdefaultlogging

           For Mac/Linux, after running command then close terminal to remove environment variables.

  1.  Upload the resulting info-and-logs .zip file to a shared location (e.g. onedrive) and add to the ticket/question.

Current list of supported parameters

ParameterExampleUsageRequires admin privilege?
-h or --helpAdskLicensingSupportTool.exe --helpTo view the help message and a list of supported parametersno

-i or --info

AdskLicensingSupportTool.exe --infoTo view component versions and registered Autodesk productsno
-l [DIR] or --getlogs [DIR]AdskLicensingSupportTool.exe --getlogs C:\Program FilesTo collect and zip log files to [DIR]. If no [DIR] is provided, the zipped folder will be stored in the current working directory.
Logs and files that will be collected are:
Logs that will be collected for
  • AdskLicensingService
  • AdskLicensingAgent
  • AdskLicensingSDK
  • WebServices
  • Adlm
  • Installer
  • AdskLicensingSupportTool

If [DIR] or current folder does not have write access, the will be stored in the user's temp folder based on OS. Locations are:

Windows: C:\users\user\AppData\Local\Temp\AdskLicensingSupportTool

Mac/Linux:  /tmp/AdskLicensingSupportTool

-r or --resetlicensemethodAdskLicensingSupportTool.exe -r A91L1:UserTo change the license method of single/multiple/all registered products to one of the 4 license methods: Network, Standalone, User or None
  • to change single product to user: -r A91L1:User
  • to change multiple products to network: -r A91L1,571I1,812I1:network
  • to reset all products license method: -r ALL:None
-sdl or --setdefaultloggingAdskLicensingSupportTool.exe --setdefaultloggingTo configure log levels to default mode (agent and service log)yes
-svl or --setverboseloggingAdskLicensingSupportTool.exe --setverboseloggingTo configure log levels to verbose mode (agent and service log)yes

-u or --checkurls

AdskLicensingSupportTool.exe --checkurls

Check for inaccessible desktop subscription URLs

By default, running "AdskLicensingSupportTool -u" will allow you to check URLs used by CLMv2. This method closely matches how CLMv2 would check for connectivity via the proxy server.

If there are issues connecting with the proxy server using the above method, the following environment variables may be used as an alternative to configure the proxy environment.

set HTTP_PROXY=http://<hostname or ip address of proxy server>:<port no>
set HTTPS_PROXY=http://<hostname or ip address of proxy server>:<port no>

Just log into your machine and set the environment variables. Then, execute "AdskLicensingSupportTool -u" to see if it goes through the proxy server. More information is documented here.

-v or --versionAdskLicensingSupportTool.exe --versionTo view the current AdskLicensingSupportTool versionno


Terms of Use

Autodesk Licensing Support Tool is subject to the Autodesk Terms of Use ( )

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