Dynamo for Civil 3D - Dynamo Player

Autodesk Support

Sep 16, 2021

I got the following question the other day: How to distribute Dynamo Scripts to end users that do not know how to build Dynamo-Programs. Here is the answer: Via Dynamo Player! The Player was introduced with Dynamo for Civil 3D 2020 and brought the ability to launch a Dynamo script without the need to have Dynamo running. And furthermore, without the need to know, how do built Dynamo Graphs. With Dynamo Player, end users can interact with the script, add inputs, make selections and see results.

See the Dynamo Player on a rail dataset below in action: 1) Building a corridor. 2) Place Sleepers 3) Place OCS 4) Built pipes along corridor feature line. 5 Built our niches in noise barrier. 

The Dynamo Scripts can be found here: https://autode.sk/3lsvPkV

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