Shotgun Integration: Frequently Asked Questions

Autodesk Support

Mar 24, 2022

Overview of the change

1. What is changing and when?
2. Why is this change occurring?
3. Are all of these changes applicable globally?
4. Where can I go for more information throughout this process?

ShotGrid Name Change

5. Why is the product name changing and when will I see this change?
6. Will the main external URL - - be changing? What will the new URL be?

Customer Experience

7. How will my experience change?
8. What is an Autodesk Account?
9. What does the concept / phrase "Team" mean in the named user model?
10. What is a named user?
11. What changes can I expect when adopting the named user model?
12. Who do I contact if I have issues with my Autodesk Account?
13. How do I sign up for a ShotGrid trial?
14. Will the login or access to a ShotGrid trial change?
15. Will my site URLs be changing and, if so, when?

Offering and availability

16. Will Shotgun Awesome and Shotgun Super Awesome subscription offerings still be available as of June 7, 2021?
17. What does the ShotGrid Subscription offering include and how much will it cost?
18. What does isolation feature set and IP allow-list mean?
19. How does named user multi-site access benefit me?
20. What subscription term lengths will be available with this change?
21. When can I change my contract terms?
22. Will there be usage restrictions with ShotGrid Subscription?
23. Can my company have a mix of some users on different term lengths?
24. What happens if I let my ShotGrid subscription expire?
25. Do I still get access to RV as part of my ShotGrid subscription?
26. Will Single Sign-on (SSO) be included as part of the new ShotGrid subscription offering?
27. Will Shotgun now be part of the Autodesk Developer Network Program?
28. Will developers who have an equivalent ADN Shotgun access (comp site) be auto-migrated to the new Autodesk Development Network (ADN) entitlement?

Subscription Migrations

29. What will happen to my existing Awesome and Super Awesome subscriptions?
30. I am a primary admin - what will I be responsible for once my subscription(s) are migrated?
31. I am an end user - what will I be responsible for once my subscriptions(s) are migrated?
32. What happens at migration for me if I do not already have an Autodesk account?
33. Will Shotgun customers whose subscription contracts have expired and not yet renewed be migrated starting in June 2021?
34. What support tier will I be migrated to?

Token Flex Customers

35. Are we making any changes to ShotGrid Enterprise Business Agreements (EBA) with Token Flex?
36. Will the move to a daily rate model affect my existing agreement?
37. I am a monthly token flex customer, will I be migrated to a daily agreement?
38. Will monthly token customers be required to take the same steps by October 1, 2021?

Customers Purchasing Online

39. Will my subscription that was purchased through the Shotgun eStore be automatically migrated?
40. Will I have a transition period to purchase ShotGrid online at and complete these steps?
41. What happens if I do not complete the required steps to migrate?
42. What is happening to the Shotgun eStore and when?
43. What is the benefit of buying online at
44. What offerings will be available to buy online at
45. Can I subscribe to the new ShotGrid subscription offering online from before June 7, 2021?
46. Will my Shotgun eStore contract that is set to renew prior to integration renew automatically until June 6, 2021?

Educational Institution Customers

47. What do these changes mean for educational institutions?

Technical Support

48. How is technical support changing?
49. How will the standard Autodesk support tiers benefit me?
50. How do I contact Technical Support as of June 7, 2021?
51. Can I still use to submit tickets?
52. Will we continue to have access to the dedicated Shotgun support team (currently known as Street Team)?
53. How will my self-help options change?


Overview of the change

1. What is changing and when?

The following changes will go into effect beginning June 7, 2021:

  • Name change: Shotgun will be renamed to ShotGrid.
  • A single subscription offering: Shotgun Awesome and Super Awesome subscription offerings will evolve into a single ShotGrid subscription offering.
  • Product Support: ShotGrid support requests will follow Autodesk's standard process.
  • Easier, centralized account management: ShotGrid contract owners and primary admins will manage their accounts through the Autodesk Account with the adoption of Autodesk identity and Autodesk licensing.
  • Moving online purchasing to Monthly, annual, and three-year subscriptions of ShotGrid will be available to buy online at The Shotgun eStore will be shut down.

2. Why is this change occurring?

Autodesk is completing Shotgun's integration and aligning to Autodesk's standard offerings, policies, and processes in order to provide you with an improved customer experience. We're also introducing a new, simplified offering known as ShotGrid Subscription with a streamlined account management experience.

As part of these changes, Autodesk Shotgun will become Autodesk ShotGrid. This new product name reflects the goals of our product—connecting creative teams and streamlining workflows in the cloud.


3. Are all of these changes applicable globally?

Yes, these changes apply to all ShotGrid customers worldwide.

4. Where can I go for more information throughout this process?

If you have additional questions that are not covered in this FAQ, please reach out to your Autodesk Sales Representative or Authorized Channel Partner.

ShotGrid Name Change

5. Why is the product name changing and when will I see this change?

The product name ShotGrid suggests a connected network and workflow and aligns more closely with the Autodesk brand and product philosophy. The "Shot" part of "ShotGrid" acknowledges the creativity behind each shot, while "Grid" speaks to production and efficiency. It will take time for all content, documentation and in-product changes to reflect the new ShotGrid name, but the new name will publicly launch on June 7, 2021.

6. Will the main external URL - - be changing? What will the new URL be?

Yes, the new URL will be All visitors to will be redirected to the new URL automatically.

Customer Experience

7. How will my experience change?

All users will experience the following change:

  • Authentication: You will use an Autodesk Account to access your ShotGrid site with Autodesk ID credentials. Primary admins will need to create an Autodesk Account and manage the process of inviting end users on your ShotGrid site to create their own Autodesk Accounts. End users will then need to accept the invite and log in with their Autodesk ID to retain site access.

Contract owners and primary admins will also experience the following changes:

  • Managing Accounts: All primary admins will use Autodesk ID credentials to log in to the Autodesk Account to manage their ShotGrid account. (If you are managing other Autodesk product subscriptions, you will now be able to use the same login credentials to access ShotGrid and will be familiar with the interface and workflows of the Autodesk Account.)
  • Licensing: All customers will follow standard Autodesk licensing policies. Some primary admins may need to work with their sales rep to ensure they are subscribing to the right number of subscriptions for their needs.
  • Subscription: You will be migrated (or self-migrate, if you are an eStore customer) to the ShotGrid subscription offering.
  • Support: All support tiers and workflows will align to standard Autodesk support tiers and workflows.
  • Purchasing online: As of June 7, 2021, ShotGrid subscriptions will be sold online at Auto-renew will be supported, with management options varying based on country of purchase. Autodesk customers purchasing online can refer to documentation here. You will have the ability to add additional seats during their contract term per the standard Autodesk policy.

8. What is an Autodesk Account?

Autodesk Account is a single location from which you can manage your profile, product subscriptions, and payments. More details on how to create and manage an Autodesk Account can be found on AKN.

9. What does the concept / phrase "Team" mean in the named user model?

"Teams" allow customers to manage subscription assignments and help organize subscriptions and users based on company division, projects, work, or any other organizational need. Learn more about how our customers use Teams.

10. What is a named user?

A named user is any member of your team that has been assigned a license to an Autodesk product. All users must be assigned as a named user in order to access, use, and request support for a product. You can learn more about Autodesk Account Management here and Autodesk User Management here.

11. What changes can I expect when adopting the named user model?

The number of users who will be able to access ShotGrid will be limited to the number of subscriptions purchased. Access to the site(s) will be restricted if the subscription contract expires and is not renewed on time, per standard Autodesk subscription renewal policy.

12. Who do I contact if I have issues with my Autodesk Account?

You can contact Autodesk support by clicking the ❔ symbol found on the bottom right of the site and follow the prompts.

13. How do I sign up for a ShotGrid trial?

Users can continue to sign up for a trial at

14. Will the login or access to a ShotGrid trial change?

As of June 7, 2021, an Autodesk Account will be required to sign up for a trial and will be used for user authentication. New trial sites will be hosted on the "" domain.

If your trial site was created prior to June 7, 2021, you will see no changes to your trial experience. You will continue to use your existing login credentials and URL.

15. Will my site URLs be changing and, if so, when?

There will be no change to existing hosted site URLs. We will announce if and when existing clients can opt-in to update their existing site(s) from to the new domain.

Offering and availability

16. Will Shotgun Awesome and Shotgun Super Awesome subscription offerings still be available as of June 7, 2021?

Awesome & Super Awesome offerings will not be available to buy past June 6, 2021. Starting June 7, 2021, there will only be one ShotGrid subscription offering to buy, called ShotGrid Subscription.

17. What does the ShotGrid Subscription offering include and how much will it cost?

Details on the ShotGrid offering and pricing options are available here.

18. What does isolation feature set and IP allow-list mean?

The Isolation Feature Set and IP allow-list are existing features, previously available only to sites with Super Awesome subscriptions.

The isolation feature set helps creative studios to operate from the cloud and confidently meet the stringent privacy, and performance requirements of their suppliers. These features include Media Isolation, Isolated Media Replication, Isolated Web Traffic, and IP Management. You can read more about the isolation feature set here.

An IP allow-list is a way to limit which requests a service will respond to by configuring a list of approved IP addresses. With a ShotGrid Subscription, a customer can configure the IP addresses that are able to access their site. You can read more about this capability here.

19. How does named user multi-site access benefit me?

This feature provides named users the ability to access multiple sites while consuming a single seat of ShotGrid. This greatly simplifies subscription management for you, allowing greater flexibility in how you utilize ShotGrid.
For example, customer staging or development use cases are naturally accommodated without needing to process additional orders or manage separate subscription classes.

20. What subscription term lengths will be available with this change?

Monthly (available online), annual and 3-year terms. 

21. When can I change my contract terms?

You will have the opportunity to change your contract terms at your next renewal event if you would like.

22. Will there be usage restrictions with ShotGrid Subscription?

Yes. The number of users who will be able to access ShotGrid will be limited to the number of subscriptions purchased. Access to the site(s) will be restricted if the subscription contract expires and is not renewed on time, per standard Autodesk subscription renewal policy.

23. Can my company have a mix of some users on different term lengths?

Yes. For example, if you subscribe annually, you can scale-up via monthly subscriptions bought online for peak production needs.

24. What happens if I let my ShotGrid subscription expire?

Subscriptions must be renewed on time or you will risk losing access, per Autodesk subscription renewal policy.

25. Do I still get access to RV as part of my ShotGrid subscription?

Yes, you will continue to access RV as part of your ShotGrid subscription and RV will continue to authenticate via ShotGrid.

26. Will Single Sign-on (SSO) be included as part of the new ShotGrid subscription offering?

Single Sign-on is available for purchase as part of the Autodesk Premium Plan. To get more information about the Premium Plan, please contact your Autodesk Sales Representative or Autodesk Authorized Reseller.

27. Will Shotgun now be part of the Autodesk Developer Network Program?

Yes, we are working on including ShotGrid in the Autodesk Developer Network and targeting a June 7, 2021 availability. Approved developers will get free ShotGrid access.

28. Will developers who have an equivalent ADN Shotgun access (comp site) be auto-migrated to the new Autodesk Development Network (ADN) entitlement?

No, developers will need to submit a new request per the Autodesk Developer Network by October 1, 2021. If developers do not take action by then, they will lose access to ShotGrid.

Subscription Migrations 

29. What will happen to my existing Awesome and Super Awesome subscriptions?

Starting June 7, existing Awesome and Super Awesome subscriptions will automatically migrate to the new ShotGrid subscription offering - maintaining original contract end dates and purchased subscriptions. 

Please note that the migration process may take several weeks, so you may not see this change reflected in your account right away. 

You do not need to take any action before migration occurs. All primary admins will receive a migration reminder email with easy-to-follow instructions as well as a welcome email when your subscriptions(s) are available in Autodesk Account.

30. I am a primary admin - what will I be responsible for once my subscription(s) are migrated?

You will be responsible for completing the following steps:

  1. Migrate user accounts to Autodesk, which is the process of transitioning the user authentication method on hosted site(s) to Autodesk Account credentials. 
  2. Site Provisioning, which will also assign seats to ShotGrid users in the Autodesk Account. You can either manage this process yourself, or assign secondary administrators who can also manage this process.

Once migration occurs, you will initiate step (1) on your individual sites and step (2) from your Autodesk Account.

Step-by-step instructions for this workflow are available here on AKN.

The primary admin will have until October 1, 2021 to take the necessary steps to migrate user accounts to Autodesk and complete Site Provisioning.

If primary admin customers do not take action by October 1, 2021, all users will lose access to their Shotgun sites. We understand that this impacts your business, so we strongly recommend that the necessary steps are taken prior to October 1, 2021. If you have any issues or questions, please reach out to your Autodesk Sales Representative or submit a Support request.

31. I am an end user - what will I be responsible for once my subscriptions(s) are migrated?

Once your primary admin completes their steps, you will need to accept the invite and log in with your Autodesk ID to retain site access. You will then use your Autodesk ID (email address and password) going forward to log into your ShotGrid site.

As part of migrating user accounts to Autodesk, end users of the ShotGrid API should also configure a Personal Access Token in their Shotgun user profile. You should review your code to ensure it remains compatible with ShotGrid functioning with Autodesk user management.

Documentation for this will be linked from the ShotGrid application once the migration flow is available.

32. What happens at migration for me if I do not already have an Autodesk account?

For non ShotGrid eStore customers

Once migration occurs, you will automatically be registered for an Autodesk Account and will receive an email prompt to confirm your account. Once you confirm your account and set your password, you will then be able to log in to the Autodesk Account Center to manage your ShotGrid entitlements.

After all migration steps are complete, ShotGrid users can continue to log in directly to the ShotGrid platform using their site URL. ShotGrid users may also reach the ShotGrid platform from their Autodesk Account. Hosted users assigned to ShotGrid will login to their ShotGrid site using their Autodesk Identity credentials.

For ShotGrid eStore customers:

For our customers who purchased through the Shotgun eStore, please see Q39 for more details on your migration experience.

33. Will Shotgun customers whose subscription contracts have expired and not yet renewed be migrated starting in June 2021?

No, only active subscription contracts will be migrated. Contracts that have expired and not renewed prior to June 6, 2021, will need to purchase a "new" ShotGrid subscription.

34. What support tier will I be migrated to?

All existing Shotgun subscriptions will receive Standard support when migrated to a ShotGrid subscription. EBA customers will receive Enterprise Priority support if part of their agreement.

Token Flex Customers

35. Are we making any changes to ShotGrid Enterprise Business Agreements (EBA) with Token Flex?

Yes. As of June 7, 2021, we will be moving from a monthly to daily rate for new EBAs. If you have an existing EBA, this will go into effect at your next renewal.

36. Will the move to a daily rate model affect my existing agreement?

No, your existing monthly agreements will be honored. Please reach out to your Autodesk Sales Representative for more information. 

37. I am a monthly token flex customer, will I be migrated to a daily agreement?

No, monthly token flex agreements will be migrated by creating new Autodesk entitlements and will maintain original contract terms and monthly rate agreements.

38. Will monthly token customers be required to take the same steps by October 1, 2021?

Yes. Primary admins of monthly token flex agreements will be responsible for completing the same steps described in Q30 and all site users will need to complete actions described in Q31 before October 1, 2021.

Customers Purchasing Online

39. Will my subscription that was purchased through the Shotgun eStore be automatically migrated?

No, Shotgun eStore subscribers will need to purchase a new ShotGrid subscription online at

After June 7, you will be required to complete three steps to renew your existing contract(s):

40. Will I have a transition period to purchase ShotGrid online at and complete these steps?

Yes, any monthly subscription due to expire on or after June 7, 2021 will be given a 30-day contract extension (at no additional charge) allowing you to purchase a new ShotGrid subscription online at and complete the necessary steps to migrate user accounts to Autodesk.

41. What happens if I do not complete the required steps to migrate?

If you do not take action after your 30-day extension, you will lose access to your Shotgun site(s). There will be no exceptions.

42. What is happening to the Shotgun eStore and when?

As of June 7, 2021, the Shotgun eStore will no longer be used or accessible. 

43. What is the benefit of buying online at offers global availability of all Autodesk products, provides pricing and buying options in local currencies where applicable, and aligns with standard Autodesk contract term lengths (monthly, annual, three-year).

44. What offerings will be available to buy online at

Monthly, annual and 3-year ShotGrid subscription terms will be available to buy online at

45. Can I subscribe to the new ShotGrid subscription offering online from before June 7, 2021?

No, the ShotGrid Subscription will become available as of June 7, 2021.

46. Will my Shotgun eStore contract that is set to renew prior to integration renew automatically until June 6, 2021?

Yes, any eStore contract that is set to renew prior to June 7, 2021 will automatically renew for another month (unless action has been taken to cancel your subscription). 

Educational Institution Customers

47. What do these changes mean for educational institutions?

Existing or new educational institutions will continue to request access as they do today, but will need to follow new steps to access ShotGrid. After June 7, 2021, the following changes apply to EDU customers:

  • EDU customers will log-in using Autodesk Account credentials. To ensure continued access for all users, EDU Site Admins will still be responsible for migrating user accounts to Autodesk and transitioning users' authentication method before October 1, 2021.
  • Term length will change to one-year.
  • Technical Support will change - EDU customers will now only have self-help options for Support and can access self-help resources through AKN or the ShotGrid community forum.

As in the past, ShotGrid will continue to be available to institutions only, not students.

Technical Support

48. How is technical support changing?

ShotGrid support is aligning to the Autodesk tiered plans model that includes support — Standard, Premium and Enterprise (Enterprise is only available as part of an Enterprise Business Agreement)- to provide you with a streamlined support process across your Autodesk product portfolio. For many of you who use other Autodesk products, the tiers of support and using the Autodesk Account to access support will be a familiar workflow.

49. How will the standard Autodesk support tiers benefit me?

Aligning with Autodesk support provides a more consistent, aligned process for customers to receive support. In most cases, you will have more modalities to contact and receive support and likely experience improved SLA response times. You will continue working with the dedicated ShotGrid support team with deep technical ShotGrid knowledge.

50. How do I contact Technical Support as of June 7, 2021?

You can navigate to to start your support journey or access support via your Autodesk account. For additional details on how to create a support case, please visit AKN

51. Can I still use to submit tickets?

We encourage all customers to adopt the new support process as soon as possible. will remain active until October 1, 2021 to close out existing tickets and ensure all customers have successful migrated to the new support process. As of October 2, 2021, all support requests must be made through standard Autodesk support modalities.

52. Will we continue to have access to the dedicated Shotgun support team (currently known as Street Team)?

The Street Team will continue to provide dedicated technical support, although the name "Street Team" will phase out and will now be part of the Autodesk Global Product Support (GPS) team.

53. How will my self-help options change?

As of June 7, 2021, you will continue to have access to the same self-help documentation and user guides on AKN

Product release notes, developer release notes, roadmap and feature requests, and community content will continue to remain on at this time.

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