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Integrated BIM tools, including Revit, AutoCAD, and Civil 3D
Professional CAD/CAM tools built on Inventor and AutoCAD
Autodesk Support
May 4, 2018
Script Name: Coordinates for POIs
Description: Run the script to generate northing, easting, and elevation data for all POIs in your model. The data will be added in the User Data field in Properties or in the Data Table. From the Data Table you can export a CSV to get the coordinate data out of InfraWorks.
Author: Wes Newman
var db = app.ActiveModelDb;
var modelcs = app.ActiveModel.CoordSysWkt;
var ucs = app.ActiveModel.UserCoordSysWkt;
var doc = app.ActiveDocument();
function round(value, decimals) {
return Number(Math.round(value+'e'+decimals)+'e-'+decimals);
function getCoordinate(feature) {
var featReproject = feature.GEOMETRY.Reproject(modelcs, ucs);
if (featReproject == null) {
var X = round(featReproject.Centroid2d.X,4);
var Y = round(featReproject.Centroid2d.Y,4);
var elevation;
if (feature.GEOMETRY.Is3d) //check for elevation, if set use it, otherwise get elevation from terrain.
elevation = feature.GEOMETRY.BBox3d.Center.Z;
elevation = doc.FindElevation(new adsk.Vec3d(feature.GEOMETRY.Centroid2d.X, feature.GEOMETRY.Centroid2d.Y, 0)).Z;
if (app.GetUnit(adsk.Enums.LengthUnit) == adsk.Enums.Feet) //convert elevation if needed. Looks at application units.
elevation = elevation * 3.28084;
return X + ", " + Y + ", " + round(elevation,4);
function writeXYZ() {
var classID = db.TableIndex("POIS");
var poisTable = db.Table(classID);
var poisRow = poisTable.GetWriteRow();
var row = poisTable.Next();
while (row) {
poisRow["USER_DATA"] = getCoordinate(row);
var featureId = row.ID;
poisTable.UpdateFeature(poisRow, featureId);
print("Feature " + featureId + " was updated.");
row = poisTable.Next();
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