Manage Assembly Codes

Autodesk Support

Feb 7, 2019

1.  Use Manage Assembly Codes to upload your own custom assembly code file with codes, costs, and level of development (LOD) specific to your project.

SPECIAL NOTE: To utilize Assemble's custom fields "Weight by Length" and "Weight by Volume" the assembly code file quantity should be listed as WeightbyLength and WeightbyVolume (no spaces).

2.  Import your custom assembly code Excel file or .txt file into Assemble. 

  • Click the Import button on the Manage Assembly Codes window.
  • From the Import Assembly Codes window, click the Choose File button and select your file from its saved location. 
  • Requirements for successful importing 
    • If importing a text file (ie- UniformatClassifications.txt from Revit), the values must be separated by tabs instead of spaces.
    • Regardless of whether an Excel or txt file are used for importing, the document must contain entries for the Code, Description and Level fields in the same order as that found in the sample docs.

3.  Export an assembly code template file or download the assembly code file currently in use for the project. The downloaded files can be used to help you create your own custom file or to use from one project to the next. A text file (.txt) can be downloaded, as well, to import into Revit.

4.  Export for Autodesk Revit will provide a UniformatClassifications.txt file that can be imported into Revit using the Assembly Code tool located on the Settings panel under the Manage tab. Performing this function will allow you to modify the assembly codes and descriptions for objects in Revit to reflect your custom coding scheme.

5.  Export Assembly Codes and Unit Costs to Microsoft Excel will provide an Assembly Codes and Unit Costs.xlsx file for Microsoft Excel. Use this file to customize the assembly code, assembly description, category, default unit of measure property, unit cost, and required LOD.

6.  Download an assembly code template for Microsoft Excel. This .xlsx file contains 4 sheets. The first sheet explains how to use the document. The three additional sheets provide examples of Uniformat codes, MasterFormat codes, and OmniClass codes. Use any of the assembly code sheets as a starting point to customize your assembly codes. Once you've customized your own assembly code file, delete the extra sheets before importing into Assemble. This approach reduces the opportunity for formatting errors and allows for the use of text-based categories instead of the numerical Revit references.

There are two methods for including quantity and cost info in the Assembly Code Tree. Either the Uniformatclassification.txt file from Revit can be augmented or a properly formatted Excel spreadsheet can be imported with the required information. Regardless of the selected method, each document will need to order its information according to the following column headers: 

  • Code: This is the actual assembly code value itself.
  • Description: This is the short description that is married to the assembly code.
  • Level: This is a numerical value that identifies which branch level (ie- “how far down”) the code can be found within the code tree.
  • Category (Optional): This is a numerical value in the Revit file but can be a text value in the Excel document. It identifies the category that a specific item is related to. For example: “Walls” or “-2000011”.
  • Quantity (Optional): This is a user provided value that specifies which unit of measure should be associated with the specific code and unit cost value. For example: “Volume” or “Count”. 
  • Unit Cost (Optional): This is the per-unit cost value that is associated with the specific assembly code. Note: If the tree file contains Unit Cost information but no Quantity value is included next to each cost, the Automated Estimation feature will not assign the costs to the model information.
  • Required LOD (Optional): This is a user provided value that specifies what the required level of development is for each assembly code and description.

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