Simulation Job Manager Update (SJM 7.3)

Autodesk Support

Jan 29, 2019

Simulation Job Manager Update (SJM 7.3)

Update details –

  • Bug Fix – Users who are experiencing slowness in their simulation data transfer will see speed improvements with this fix.


The SJM 7.3 can be installed on top of SJM 7.1 (included with Moldflow 2019), SJM 7.2 (included with Moldflow 2019.0.x) and SJM 6.2 (included with Moldflow 2018.x, 2017.2 and 2017.3).

  1. Download the following file:
  2. Unzip the downloaded file
  3. Go to “Installer” folder and execute the InstallSJM.exe

Note: The install will automatically uninstall a previously installed SJM 7.1, SJM 7.2, SJM 6.2 and update it to SJM 7.3. This should not be installed on SJM versions before SJM 6.2.


This update is available for Moldflow 2017.2, 2017.3, 2018.x and 2019.

To enable users to stay with their current version we have provided 'repacks' of all supported Moldflow Linux versions where the only change is that the SJM component has been upgraded to the latest 7.3 version.


Installer file











2018.2 Tflex




2019 Tflex


Uninstall all your current installations and reinstall the ones you need, with the SJM update. The SJM 7.3 is incompatible with previous Job Manager releases and cannot run alongside previous versions.

The installer comes as a self-extracting shell script.

Linux Workstation

  1. Download the Moldflow version you wish to install.
  2. Run the shell script as root (example for 2019):
    • Standard Install -> # sh
    • Tflex Install -> # sh

The installer will install the required packages, ask you a few questions, and configure the installation.

Linux Thinclient

  1. Download the Moldflow version you wish to install.
  2. You can run the self-extracting installer in any directory. 
  3. Run the installer, specifying the target directory and the hostname of the Autodesk Licensing (ADLM) server.

Note: The target directory must exist and be writeable by the user running the installer. You must specify the target directory with an absolute path.

Important: The first parameter "--" is not optional. Prepend an @ sign to the ADLM host.

Example for 2019: To install all files to /software/autodesk, and to use license-server as the ADLM Network licensing server, run

$ sh 
 -- /software/autodesk @license-server

Please refer to the Autodesk Help, Linux installation - solvers only for more details.

To revert to previous SJM version


The Simulation Job Manager is uninstalled from the Windows Control Panel.

  1. Open the Windows Control Panel
  2. Click Programs and Features
  3. Select the Autodesk Simulation Job Manager 7, then click Uninstall

To Uninstall Synergy, Insight and/or Adviser

Use the Windows Control Panel to uninstall small applications, individual product components, or service packs.

  1. Restart your computer to apply any pending Windows updates.
  2. If you want to preserve existing customizations, such as menus and PGP files, back up those files.
  3. From the Windows Start menu, open the Control Panel and select Uninstall a Program to display a list of installed applications. You can't uninstall more than one program at a time.
  4. Select Uninstall for each peripheral or program you want to remove. Uninstall peripheral programs, such as add-ins, enablers, and bonus packs, before uninstalling the main program. Remember that some peripherals, such as the Material Library, are shared across products. Don't remove them unless you intend to remove all Autodesk products.
  5. If you're prompted to restart your computer after uninstalling a product, restart and then return to the Uninstall control panel to uninstall other software.

Re-install the required version

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