How to Renew your Premium plan

Autodesk Support

Sep 14, 2021

  • Whether you have a 1-year or 3-year Premium plan, we'll begin notifying you 90 days before your renewal date to help you plan for your upcoming renewal.
  • When you're ready to renew, you'll need to renew the same number of Premium plan subscriptions as the number of eligible product subscriptions you have. At this time, you will 'true up' your total Premium plan subscription count for the following term, which means:
    • If you've added eligible product subscriptions throughout your term, you'll need to buy additional Premium plan subscriptions.
    • If you've let product subscriptions expire throughout your term, you only need to renew the number of Premium plan subscriptions you need.
  • You can also choose which term length you'd prefer for your renewal-a 1-year or 3-year term. Note, you will be able to select either term length at renewal but will not be able to switch term lengths mid-term.
  • At any time, you'll be able to view your total Premium plan subscriptions by navigating to the 'Billing and Orders' section of Autodesk Account to know how you're tracking throughout your term. Here, you will see all your Premium subscriptions in a section at the top. If applicable, this is also where you would see the number of Premium-eligible subscriptions that would be counted at your next true-up. (See below for more information on true-up).

See below for examples of how to buy and renew a 1-year and 3-year Premium plan.

Annual Premium plan initial purchase and renewal

  • Step 1: When you initially purchased your Premium plan, we took a look at your current number of underlying eligible product subscriptions and provided you a quote.
    • Step 1a: You made sure to co-term at least one product subscription end date so that it aligns or exceeds your Premium plan end date.
    • Step 1b: You purchased the same number of Premium plan subscriptions on an annual term as the number of eligible product subscriptions you had.
      • For example, you would purchase 175 Premium plan subscriptions to match your 175 eligible product subscriptions.
  • Step 2: At renewal (just like step 1), you'll renew your Premium plan based on the current number of eligible subscriptions you have. We refer to this as a true-up at renewal-which means at the time of your renewal, you may be quoted for more or less Premium plan subscriptions, depending on the quantity of underlying eligible subscriptions. You will have a true-up event each time your renewal is approaching.
    • Let's say you did not renew 75 subscriptions (AutoCAD and Revit), but halfway through the year, you purchase 100 new AEC Collection subscriptions. Your initial Premium plan subscriptions cover 175 product subscriptions, and at this point, they have 200 product subscriptions. As a result, you need to add 25 Premium plan subscriptions at your renewal true-up.
  • Step 3: After evaluating how many Premium plan subscriptions you'll need, your new contract will be for the same number of Premium plan subscriptions as you have eligible product subscriptions (just like Step 2).
    • Now, you have 200 product subscriptions and 200 Premium plan subscriptions.

Here is a visual example of the steps to renew your 1-year Premium plan:

example chart of 1-year Premium Plan renewal

3-year Premium plan renewal

The difference between 1-year and 3-year term is that true-up happens annually, at the 1st and 2nd anniversary of your Premium plan start-date. Note, we can only add subscriptions to your Premium plan during anniversary true-up. If you no longer need as many Premium plan subscriptions as initially purchased, you will be able to adjust your number of Premium plan subscriptions at your true-up at the next renewal. At that time, you can purchase more or fewer, depending on your needs.

  • Step 1: Based on your number of underlying eligible product subscriptions, we will provide you with a quote for your new Premium plan.
    • For example, you would purchase 175 Premium plan subscriptions to match your 175 product subscriptions.
  • Step 2: At least one of your product subscriptions will need to co-term with your 3-year Premium Plan contract end date. (Your product subscription end dates will need to align to your Premium plan end date.)
  • Step 3: Each year, you will have a true-up during the first year and second year anniversary of your Premium plan start date. You'll receive notification 90-days before each anniversary true-up about any steps you may need to take.
    • Step 3a: At the first anniversary true-up, you would not need to purchase additional Premium plans subscriptions, because your original purchase of 175 Premium plan subscriptions covers the 175 underlying product subscriptions.
    • Step 3b: During the second year of your term, let's say you did not renew 75 subscriptions (AutoCAD and Revit), but halfway through the year, you purchase 100 new AEC Collection subscriptions. You now have 200 eligible product subscriptions. Since your initial Premium plan subscriptions only cover 175 product subscriptions, so you will need to purchase 25 additional pro-rated Premium plan subscriptions to match this new quantity. However, we will wait for the true-up event at the second-year anniversary to catch up on any new product subscriptions purchased during the year. We will notify you in advance when you need to add seats to your Premium plan.
      • Now, the customer has 200 product subscriptions and 200 Premium plan subscriptions.
  • Step 4: Once your 3-year term is nearing its end, we'll reach out again to help you renew your Premium plan. At this time, you can increase or decrease your number of Premium plan subscriptions and chose either a 1-year or 3-year term for your next renewal.

Here is a visual example of the steps to renew your 3-year Premium plan:

Example chart of 3-year Premium Plan renewal

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