AutoCAD 2019 Templates

Autodesk Support

Mar 9, 2018

AutoCAD Templates

acad -Named Plot Styles.dwt (dwt - 30.7 Kb)
Create drawings using imperial units, ANSI dimensioning settings, and named plot styles.

acad -Named Plot Styles3D.dwt (dwt - 31.8 Kb)
Create drawings using imperial units, ANSI dimensioning settings, named plot styles, and an initial isometric view.

acad.dwt (dwt - 30.8 Kb)
Create drawings using imperial units, ANSI dimensioning settings, and color-based plot styles.

acad3D.dwt (dwt - 32.3 Kb)
Create drawings using imperial units, ANSI dimensioning settings, color-based plot styles, and an initial isometric view.

acadISO -Named Plot Styles.dwt (dwt - 30.9 Kb)
Create drawings using metric units, ISO dimensioning settings, and named plot styles.

acadISO -Named Plot Styles3D.dwt (dwt - 31.8 Kb)
Create drawings using metric units, ISO dimensioning settings, named plot styles, and an initial isometric view.

acadiso.dwt (dwt - 30.8 Kb)
Create drawings using metric units, ISO dimensioning settings, and color-based plot styles.

acadiso3D.dwt (dwt - 32.2 Kb)
Create drawings using metric units, ISO dimensioning settings, named plot styles, and an initial isometric view.

Architectural Imperial (dwt - 48.6 Kb)
Create drawings using imperial units and typical settings for architecture.

Architectural Metric (dwt - 47.5 Kb)
Create drawings using metric units and typical settings for architecture.

Civil Imperial (dwt - 46.4 Kb)
Create drawings using imperial units and typical settings for civil engineering.

Civil Metric (dwt - 46.1 Kb)
Create drawings using metric units and typical settings for civil engineering.

Manufacturing Imperial (dwt - 52.7Kb)
Create drawings using imperial units and typical settings for mechanical design.

Manufacturing Metric (dwt - 50.1 Kb)
Create drawings using metric units and typical settings for mechanical design.

Tutorial-iArch.dwt (dwt - 38.8 Kb)
Create drawings using imperial units and typical settings for architecture.

Tutorial-iMfg.dwt (dwt - 39.4 Kb)
Create drawings using imperial units and typical settings for mechanical design.

Tutorial-mArch.dwt (dwt - 42.0 Kb)
Create drawings using metric units and typical settings for architecture.

Tutorial-mMfg.dwt (dwt - 49.1 Kb)
Create drawings using metric units and typical settings for mechanical design.

AutoCAD Sheetsets

Architectural Imperial Sheet Set (dst - 24.7 Kb)
Create new sheet sets with a default sheet size of 24 x 36 inches.

Architectural Metric Sheet Set (dst - 23.8 Kb)
Create new sheet sets with a default sheet size of 594 x 841 millimeters.

Civil Imperial Sheet Set (dst - 16.7Kb)
Create new sheet sets with a default sheet size of 24 x 36 inches.

Civil Metric Sheet Set (dst - 16.6 Kb)
Create new sheet sets with a default size of 594 x 841 millimeters.

Manufacturing Imperial Sheet Set (dst - 14.5 Kb)
Create new sheet sets with a default sheet size of 17 x 22 inches.

Manufacturing Metric Sheet Set (dst - 14.4 Kb)
Create new sheet sets with a default sheet size of 297 x 420 millimeters.

New Sheet Set (dst - 2.9Kb)
Create basic new sheet sets without subsets, specified template, or pagesetup override file.

AutoCAD Drawings

Architectural Title Block (dwg - 50.3 Kb)

Generic 24in x 36in Title Block (dwg - 49.3 Kb)

DGN Files

V7-Imperial-Arch-01-Seed2D (dgn - 20 Kb)

V7-Imperial-Arch-01-Seed3D (dgn - 20 Kb)

V7-Imperial-Arch-02-Seed2D (dgn - 20 Kb)

V7-Imperial-Arch-02-Seed3D (dgn - 20 Kb)

V7-Imperial-Civil-01-Seed2D (dgn - 17.5 Kb)

V7-Imperial-Civil-01-Seed3D (dgn - 17.5 Kb)

V7-Imperial-Civil-02-Seed2D (dgn - 17.5 Kb)

V7-Imperial-Civil-02-Seed3D (dgn - 17.5 Kb)

V7-Metric-Seed2D (dgn - 15 Kb)

V7-Metric-Seed3D (dgn - 15 Kb)

V8-Imperial-Seed2D (dgn - 28 Kb)

V8-Imperial-Seed3D (dgn - 28 Kb)

V8-Metric-Seed2D (dgn - 27.5 Kb)

V8-Metric-Seed3D (dgn - 28 Kb)

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