Drawings appear empty when opened in AutoCAD Products

Autodesk Support

Feb 24, 2025

Products and versions covered


When opening a drawing file in AutoCAD products, it appears to be blank or empty in model or paper space, or both. Other symptoms can be:

  • Moving the cursor in the drawing area will sometimes highlight and briefly display the expected content, or corresponding tool tips.
  • Using QSELECT showing an object selection in the Properties window.
  • Using QSELECT returns an alert that there are no objects although PRUGE, and file size would indicate otherwise.
  • Using the SELECT command with 'ALL' highlights all objects in model space.
  • Hovering over model or layout tabs will display a populated thumbnail with the expected drawing file content.


  • Data corruption in the drawing.
  • Unrecognized objects.
  • Graphics card (GPU) either not meeting system requirements or outdated, damaged driver.
  • Expected file didn't open and the file with no content is an empty "Drawing 1".


Try one of the following solutions:


When objects are selectable but don't display, try to:

Data corruption

Try to repair the affected drawing files or recover a previous version from a backup or autosave file:


AutoCAD Products; AutoCAD LT for Mac; AutoCAD for Mac;

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