"Unknown command" when using Express Tools in AutoCAD Products

Autodesk Support

Feb 19, 2025

Products and versions covered


User reported that when using one of the Express Tool commands in AutoCAD Products, the following message is displayed on the command line:

Command: Unknown command "[command used]". Press F1 for help. 

error from command line. unknown command when entering express tool commands
  • This can occur either when entering an Express Tool command or selecting one from the ribbon. In addition:
  • Example commands that message can occur with (see Express Tools Reference  for complete listing):
    • BURST
    • TXT2MTXT


  • Express Tools have not been installed.
  • Express Tools have not been enabled.
  • The AutoCAD or Express Tools installation is damaged. 

Note: Express Tools are not available for Windows versions of AutoCAD LT. All Express Tools are available for full AutoCAD (and its toolsets), on the Windows platform. For the Macintosh (Mac) operating system, a limited number of Express Tools are available for both AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT. These include:

  • Convert Text to Mtext
  • Breakline Symbol
  • Explode Attributes to Text
  • Move/Copy/Rotate
  • Replace Block
  • Super Hatch


Do the following:

Turn on the Express Tools features

Type EXPRESSTOOLS on the command line and press Enter.

Check the Support File Search Path

If Express Tools has already installed, or if some Express Tools work but others do not, check the Support File Search Paths as follows:

  1. Enter OPTIONS on the command line to bring up the Options dialog box.
  2. Navigate to the Files tab.
  3. Expand "Support Files Search Path."
  4. Verify that the Express Tools path is present.
  5. If the path is not present, use the "Add..." button on the right to add the path manually.
    • Path: C:\program files\autodesk\autocad 20xx\express
    • Be sure to edit this path for the correct version of AutoCAD.
where to edit the path for the correct version of AutoCAD under File tab of options dialogue box

Turn on Demand Loading

On the command line in AutoCAD, type DEMANDLOAD and set the value to 3

Load the Express Tools CUI File

The files for Express Tools might be installed but have not been loaded into AutoCAD. Type EXPRESSTOOLS on the command line to load them. If this does not work, try to load the Express Tools CUI file manually using one or both of the following methods:
  • First Method:

  1. Enter CUILOAD on the command line in AutoCAD.
  2. Click "Browse..." and select the acetmain.cuix file. If the correct folder does not come up by default, the location is in your user folder under the specific AutoCAD settings folder. As an example, "C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\AutoCAD 20xx\Rxxx\enu\Support\acetmain.cuix".
  3. Click Load and then Close.
  4. Enter APPLOAD on the command line.
  5. Load the files acettest.fas and acetutil.fas, which are in the "express" folder that is inside the AutoCAD program folder (for example, C:\Program Files\Autodesk\AutoCAD 20xx\Express).
  • Second Method:

    1. Enter CUI on the command line to open the CUI Editor.
    2. Under the Customize tab, right-click on Partial Customization Files.
    3. Open the acetmain.cuix file that is located below;
    C:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\AutoCAD 20xx\Rxx.x\enu\support
    1. Verify EXPRESS shows up under the Partial Customization Files.
    2. Click Apply, then OK.
    3. Check the functionality of Express Tools in the program.
    CUI option - partial customization files right click

    Uninstall and Reinstall Express Tools

    When Express Tools do not load properly to begin with, you can reset them by uninstalling and reinstalling. See How to install or uninstall Express Tools in AutoCAD.

    Reset AutoCAD to Defaults

    If Express Tools do not start working after the reset, try uninstalling and reinstalling them once more. See How to reset AutoCAD to defaults.

    Reinstall AutoCAD

    Uninstall and reinstall AutoCAD, making sure to select the Express Tools option during the installation process.

    Vertical Install Troubleshooting

    1. Install the corresponding AutoCAD that matches to vertical (ex. AutoCAD 2020 with AutoCAD MEP, Architecture 2020)
    2. Restart the newly installed AutoCAD. During the initial start, an AutoCAD profile is built for that user which these two directories are created:
    • C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\AutoCAD 20xx\Rxx.x
    • C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Autodesk\AutoCAD 20xx\Rxx.x
    1. Close AutoCAD and then follow the steps in First Method under Load the Express Tools CUI File. 


    AutoCAD for Mac; AutoCAD LT for Mac; AutoCAD Products;

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