
Takeoff Support

Access your product

Sign in to Autodesk Account or the Education product access site.

Explore the resources linked below to learn about Takeoff and tackle support and troubleshooting issues.


For Takeoff help and support, go to the Autodesk Takeoff Help Site.


To access free, on-demand courses covering all Autodesk Takeoff features, log in to the Autodesk Construction Cloud Learning Center.


To learn more about Construction Cloud offerings, visit the Autodesk Construction Cloud website.


To view the current status of Autodesk cloud products, go to health.autodesk.com.

Contact support

For help using your Construction Cloud products, use the link below to log in, click the question-mark icon in the upper-right corner, choose "Contact support", and follow the instructions.

For all other issues (like signing in, managing users, and installing), follow the link below to find support options on specific topics.