More proactive asset management. More effective asset decisions.
Prioritize your O&M and capital improvement plans to select appropriate water asset interventions.
Prioritize your O&M and capital improvement plans to select appropriate water asset interventions.
Give everyone access to asset conditions, associated risks, and rehabilitation plans. Read this e-book to learn how the investment you’ve made into inspection data can be turned into valuable information that helps you prioritize your plans and minimize future system failures.
Emergency maintenance can cost up to 3 times more than planned maintenance.* But a proactive approach can help you avoid potential asset failures. Maximize the use of inspections, prioritize your O&M and capital improvement plans, and help justify asset interventions for quick fund approval.
* Source: Bluefield’s WATER INDUSTRY 4.0 report
Eliminate inefficiencies related to delivering inspection data, from the field to the office, by ensuring everyone always has access to all the latest information.
Transform your asset inspection data into valuable information to better prioritize which assets need to be repaired, rehabilitated, replaced, or re-inspected.
Justify asset interventions to non-technical stakeholders for quicker fund approval by clearly communicating risk and renewal results and decisions.
Proactive asset management not only protects you from pipe breaks and asset failures, but also from:
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