Open BIM for Infrastructure:
IFC, APIs, and the Cloud

Join us on July 22, 2021

Open BIM for Infrastructure: IFC, APIs, and the Cloud

Time: 7AM PT / 10AM ET / 2PM GMT

Duration: 60min

$97 trillion in infrastructure investment is needed by the year 2040 to meet the demand for maintenance, replacement, and new capacity, according to the G20's Global Infrastructure Outlook.

As nations around the world mobilize to fund infrastructure projects, BIM specifications are being adopted globally, changing the approach to how project teams document and deliver work. Central to this change is the demand for more open data. Open data standards enable a smoother, more reliable transition from project design to asset operations. For infrastructure developers, an open BIM approach to design and construction can reduce risk on projects and unlock gains in efficiency and productivity for project teams.

Join Autodesk infrastructure experts as they address the rising tide of BIM for infrastructure design and delivery, covering Autodesk’s commitment to open data standards, public APIs, and common data environments - all crucial for delivering the next generation of infrastructure projects.

What's on the agenda: 

  • The challenges to the status quo of infrastructure delivery with new obligations to meet BIM standards and specifications
  • The progress toward an openBIM infrastructure framework with buildingSMART International's IFC4.3 schema for infrastructure
  • The role of open APIs in enabling better infrastructure workflows and data management for project teams
  • How open data standards, APIs, and the Cloud address obligations for BIM deliverables, with review of a selection of projects and use cases

Marek Suchocki

Infrastructure Industry Engagement Lead, Autodesk

Marek sits on technology related advisory panels within the CICES, ULI, UK BIM Alliance, British Standards and CEN, and is a member of the buildingSMART InfraRoom Steering Committee.

Nigel Peters

Senior Transportation Product Manager, Autodesk

Nigel leads AEC Infrastructure Product Development teams at Autodesk, supporting Autodesk BIM Collaborate Pro, Civil 3D, InfraWorks, and Vehicle Tracking.

Guillaume Joubert

Senior Infrastructure Strategy Manager, Autodesk

Guillaume is a member of MINnD, the French chapter of buildingSMART InfraRoom, and has contributed to the early stage of the "IFC track" data dictionary for MINnD4Rail. Today, he leads the Infrastructure Strategy for EMEA and the global strategy for Transportation at Autodesk.

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