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Hydraulic modelling is increasingly central to the digital transformation of Integrated Water Service, becoming an essential tool for planning, designing, and managing networks. To maximize the effectiveness of the insights generated by models, it’s crucial that these tools are fully integrated with other systems used by Water Authorities, such as work order management (WOM), SCADA, telecommunications, and real-time decision support platforms (RT-DSS).

In this webinar, Autodesk and Idrostudi showcase the integration of InfoWorks WS Pro modelling software within the iWG platform, meeting the growing demand for 'digital twin' tools that are accessible even to non-modelling professionals. The event will focus on key aspects for transitioning from hydraulic models designed for planning to those capable of supporting operational management, demonstrating how the advanced functionalities of InfoWorks WS Pro can be easily utilized by external teams via a new powerful and intuitive web-based interface developed on the iWG platform by Idrostudi.



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John Smith

CEO, Lorem Ipsum Company

John discusses lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, adipscing solare est suum quique.

John Smith

CEO, Lorem Ipsum Company

John discusses lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, adipscing solare est suum quique.

John Smith

CEO, Lorem Ipsum Company

John discusses lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, adipscing solare est suum quique.

John Smith

CEO, Lorem Ipsum Company

John discusses lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, adipscing solare est suum quique.