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News from AU
August 23, 2022

AU 2022 Highlights for Construction Professionals


Lack of skilled workers? Need for more buildings? Construction professionals know they need to build faster, more efficiently, more sustainably—and with greater complexity.

At AU 2022, construction professionals will be coming together to share ideas, insights, and innovations for how we can connect teams, workflows, and communities and move forward to create a better world for all. Registration is currently open. Check out these featured sessions:

General Sessions and industry keynotes

The conference kicks off with General Session Day 1, where Autodesk President and CEO Andrew Anagnost will share how moving collaboration and data to the cloud can help create solutions to the disruptions we face today. And General Session Day 2 will feature business leaders across industries sharing how they’ve handled digital transformation—and navigated the journey to new skillsets, toolsets, and ultimately, new mindsets. And make sure you’re in your seat for the Construction Session on Wednesday afternoon to learn how to standardize processes and unlock the power of your data.

Learning sessions

We’ll have more than 450 classes to choose from at AU 2022 to help you reduce rework, streamline processes, and connect your teams, your partners, and your customers in new ways. Check out these featured classes for construction professionals:


Beyond the classroom

In addition to all the great learning content, there will be many ways to connect with your community, like:

  • Meetups—Meetups are a great way to make a personal connection, share tips and best practices, find out how your peers are handling disruption, and build your network through personal support. Check out this Industrialized Construction Meetup for a great conversation on modular techniques, or the Preconstruction Managers Meetup, where you can discuss integrated project delivery and best practices.
  • Activities and receptions—Don’t miss the Spacemaker Design Slam on Wednesday evening. And check out other opportunities to build your professional network from the Women at AU Reception on Tuesday evening to La Grande Soirée on Thursday night.
  • Industry zones— Stop by the Construction Zone in the Expo and explore what the future of construction look like Explore what the future of construction looks like today in the Construction Zone in the Expo. Check out demos of some of the most innovative construction projects happening around the world. And learn how the British Antarctic Society will build a new research station under the most challenging conditions on Earth.


Register now and we’ll see you in September.