Key Learnings
- Learn how to navigate the Inventor interface and file types
- Realize how associative files relate to each other in a digital prototype
- Understand how Inventor models react to change
- Initiate a learning path to gain more knowledge with the software
- MFMark FlaylerMark has been using Autodesk® products since 1999 in many different manufacturing environments. He has implemented Autodesk products for many diverse industries. Autodesk® Inventor® has profoundly augmented Mark's abilities, allowing him to bring 3D digital prototyping to the forefront of the industries with which he has interacted. Mark has extensive experience and a comprehensive understanding of the technical and practical business and human dimensions of implementation. His expertise has helped his clients to maximize their project's effectiveness and return on investment. He is an effective and skillful communicator, consulting with his clients to help them achieve their business objectives. Mark provides training, support, and implementation on all Autodesk manufacturing solutions.