Key Learnings
- Learn about information sharing and management of microsatellite development projects using Teams in Autodesk Fusion 360.
- Learn how to apply generative design for lightweighting and part consolidation of small satellite.
- Learn about data use in the development of microsatellite based on modeling data (electronic board, simulation).
- Learn about the selection of effective parts and production study by using Generative Design.
- MYMasahiko YamazakiDr. Yamazaki received Ph.D. degree in Aerospace Engineering at the Nihon University, JAPAN, in 2012. He is currently an Associate Professor at Nihon University College of Science and Technology and a Director of the University Space Engineering Consortium, a non-profit organization. He has been involved in the development of nano-satellite systems since his student days, and realizing the potential value of nano-satellite development for engineering education, he developed HEPTA-Sat, a hands-on learning program for nano-satellite development, which has been teaching people in over 50 countries since 2012.
- TNTsubasa NakamuraHello
- TWTomoyo Watanabeオートデスク株式会社において文教市場担当として次世代育成のための各種企画ならびに教員、学生向けのFusion 360の設計や加工のスキルアップを支援する企画を担当しています。 新しい設計技術にいち早く取り組み、学びを発表、共有してくださる教員ならびに学生を応援しております。
MASAHIKO YAMAZAKI: I would like to talk about One Platform Development of Nano-satellite with Fusion 360. First, let me introduce myself. I'm Associate Professor at Aerospace Engineering at the Nihon University, Japan. I'm also a board member of University Space Engineering Consortium.
My research subject is systems engineering for small spacecraft development, utilization, and education. So have you ever wanted to create your own satellite? Today's presentation will help you become accessible to space development.
One of the these solution is one platform CubeSat development with Fusion Team, which is today's topic. The first one is making the space satellite development industry more accessible. Second one, finding new forms of digital collaboration with Autodesk products, including elements of a project management. The third one is unlimited potential by melding artificial intelligence into existing technology.
So from now, I introduce three projects that we are working on. The one is development of scientific observation satellite radio. The second is generative design of satellite structure. The third one is a HEPTA satellite training package to make space development more accessible.
I'm going to start with a presentation on achieving digital cooperation for CubeSat development. We are developing a small satellite called CubeSat. Various mission can be realized in space. In our CubeSat deployment, we are trying to detect precursor phenomena of earthquake by observing changes in very low frequency electromagnetic field strength in the ionosphere by CubeSat.
Sharing how to facilitate the development of such a CubeSat system by using the Fusion Team, CubeSat is composed of various elements and interfaces. The CubeSat system comprised of hardware, software, people, data, service, and many other elements that work together to achieve a goal.
CubeSat development ranges from mission definition, subsystem design, and development until verification, unique verification, integration verification, and operation, and the user various framework. And they use various frameworks for hardware design, software design, and the project design management. For those of us who develop system, it would be very valuable if this framework could be realized on a single platform.
For developing the CubeSat system, it is important to have insight into both local and global optimization. Fusion Teams digital collaboration capabilities allowed for the digital collaboration of digital design information for different components, subsystems, and interfaces within the CubeSat system, facilitating local and global optimization.
Fusion Team has actually been a one platform solution for us during many phases of system design and development. For example, in structural and electrical design, the design evaluation improvement cycle can be performed within Fusion Team.
And design collaboration is possible between electronic circuits design and the structure design, device layout study, and electronic circuit design, et cetera. This facilitates the sharing of design information and seamless communication of development. So digital collaboration with the Fusion Team is an essential part of our development.
Next I will share with you some of the new initiatives in our CubeSat development. The key word is synergy of existing human knowledge and the generative design, not only with existing technology, but with new challenges in space development with generative design.
What is generative design? Generative design is the latest computational technology that allows human and the computers to design together with the computer as a member of the development team to quickly find the optimal solution. They can propose a variety of solutions.
We think there are three values in using generative design. The one is the easy to create the design of your imagination. The second is a new design solution proposed. The third one is ability to interact with artificial intelligence.
The first one it's mean computer assisted design make it easier to have the design perspective of a professional. The second one, it means the ability to offer suggestion that differ from existing design solution is a major benefit to the engineer. The third one is the user can acquire the ability to interpret the answers given by artificial intelligence and feed them back into your designs and daily lives.
As we developed the CubeSat camera jig through generative design, we realized that it was easier to get good suggestions if we did not intentionally impose too many human constraints because design solution through generative design would expand. The red area is a space of constraints.
In order to obtain a design solution beyond the scope of human imagination, a good design method is to repeat the design cycle quickly in an interactive way without putting too many obstacle easily. One of the advantages of generative design is the interactive design process.
But with current technology, it takes about a day to generate a single design solution. We feel, we think that interaction without delay is the key to seamless design improvement. I think quality will improve if human imagination can be immediately freed backed into the design process.
To extend the possibility of design for use in space development, we are also experimenting with 3D metal printing technology. There are six processes in 3D printing. The one is a density-- the first step is a density, angle, support materials.
The second step is the stress relief annealing. The third step is a detach from plate. The fourth step is remove support. Step five is shot blast surface treatment. Step six is a finishing or machining of detail.
The metal printers are beginning to be employed in some ground-based systems, but there are still few examples of their use in space. We feel that improving the molding strength will open the door to the future of space applications.
Next, I would like to introduce HEPTA-Sat training. More than 800 people from more than 53 countries have participated in HEPTA-Sat training program, ranging from complete engineering expert, to space engineers. The participant found it very valuable that they were able to gain an engineering perspective and a holistic viewpoint through the experience of designing and developing a system from start to finish.
This is assembling movie of the HEPTA satellite training kit. In HEPTA satellite training, you will learn satellite system through mission design, system design, and hardware, and software assembly of CubeSat, gradually increase element to element and become a subsystem. And there is a subsystem and the subsystem integration, and become a system.
We have had a program, a CubeSat Leader Training program to train people to become leaders in satellite system development by using the HEPTA satellite. This year about 20 people from 15 countries gathered for a two-week training program.
It encourages we understand the satellite by textbook, and assembling software and hardware, and test the hardware, software, and design the missions. After that, implement the missions. And, finally, conduct the end-to-end test.
In the HEPTA-SAT training program, students can learn system development and project management through space development. Based on our experience, we thought it was important to provide three step educational program. The first one is CubeSat assembly integration and test with [INAUDIBLE].
The second step is a problem in the project-based learning by using the additional component with HEPTA satellite bus. The third step is a visualization of system design and development. So HEPTA satellite project also utilize Fusion Team, specific feature of Fusion Team that we have found useful.
As the project grew, data accessibility and the crowd-sharing become important to keep the team moving in one direction. The most frequent trade off in satellite development is with other subsystems. And the ability to share CAD data facilitates problem solving.
In University laboratories, knowledge is often lost after 1 to 3 years. To get result as a lab, it is not efficient to just learn the same thing every year. It's not efficiently. All project data is managed in the cloud and through Fusion 360s. Through Fusion 360 memo features and the Fusion teams data sharing facilitates knowledge and skill transfer.
You can see the date it was saved, who made the changes. And you can access, open folder. It is possible-- it is also possible to deal with unexpected rework-- not only static design results in mind, but data can also be preserved in the time sequence direction.
And seamless collaboration between ECAD and the 3DCAD is achieved by using 3D data that enables collaboration with the structural designers and lowering the batteries between ECAD and 3DCAD. Furthermore, data checking can be done on a browser as long as there is internet access, making it easy to share.
So we are conducting design and development in a digital collaboration environment and incorporating innovative design method into our cutting-edge space development. Furthermore, we aim to realize a future in which space development is accessible to people in various fields and at various levels throughout training that enables hands-on experience of space system development. We will happy if this presentation will bring you new insight and generate excitement for space development, thank you.
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