Key Learnings
- Understand how others have successfully implemented CAD standards
- Learn how to communicate better with management and other nontechnical people
- Learn how to keep your skill set sharp and keep up with rapidly changing technology
- Learn how to work with budgeting and senior management to get what you need for your department
- Rick EllisRick Ellis is the President of CADapult Software Solutions, Inc., where he provides training and consulting services to clients around the country, helping them get the most out of their design software investment. Rick specializes in Autodesk® Civil 3D®, AutoCAD® Map 3D, Autodesk® InfraWorks™, AutoCAD® Raster Design, and AutoCAD®. He is a member of the Autodesk Developer Network, and author of several critically acclaimed books on AutoCAD Civil 3D, and AutoCAD Map 3D; including the Practical Guide series. Rick continues to use AutoCAD Civil 3D on projects in a production environment, in addition to teaching classes to organizations both large and small around the country. This practical background and approach has made him a sought after instructor by organizations around the world.
- Kate TowneAs a global engineering firm, TYLin designs infrastructure solutions that connect and elevate communities. Kate's role on the TYLin Design Technology + Operations team is to connect people with the digital tools that support their workflow and innovations. She previously served as the Digital Design Manager for Silman, a TYLin Company, and as a Technical Marketing Manager for Autodesk, Inc. She has over 20 years' experience with Autodesk products, served on AUGI's Board of Directors from 2013 to 2018 (including as President 2017-2018), and has presented at numerous technical events, including Revit DC, BILT North America, Midwest University, and several Autodesk University conferences.
- RGRobert GreenSince 1991 Robert Green has provided CAD management consulting, programming, training, and technical writing services for clients throughout the United States, Canada, and Europe. A mechanical engineer by training, Robert has used many popular CAD tools in a variety of engineering environments since 1985. Robert has acquired his expertise in CAD management via real-world experience as the 'alpha CAD user' everywhere he has worked. Over time he has come to enjoy the technological and training challenges associated with CAD management, and he now trains CAD managers via public speaking. Robert is well known for his insightful articles in Cadalyst magazine and for his book, Expert CAD Management: The Complete Guide (published by Sybex). When he's not writing, Robert heads his own consulting practice, Robert Green Consulting, based in Atlanta, Georgia.
- RMR.K. McSwainR.K has worked in the Civil Engineering/Survey field for over 20 years and currently serves as CAD Manager for a leading Civil Engineering firm based in Texas. R.K. has over 20 years experience in application development and training classes for various CAD applications. R.K. created CAD Panacea ( in 2005 as a resource for CAD users all over the world. He is an original member of the Autodesk Expert Elite.
- Curt MorenoCurt Moreno is the owner and editor of Kung Fu Manager, a blog that is focusing on management and IT in the design world. He is an active freelance content creator for clients such as the Autodesk, Inc.; Hewlett-Packard; and other corporations, large and small. He is former member of the board of directors for Autodesk User Group International (AUGI) and he’s an award-winning Autodesk University speaker. He has written and spoken on topics revolving around the CAD profession, management issues, presentation topics, and customer relations for more than 11 years, and hopes to broaden his reach. Moreno currently lives in Houston where he is the IT Manager for a Texas-based engineering firm. He is a public speaker and trainer and enjoys spending time with his dogs. Visit his blog at or follow him on Twitter at @WKFD.
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