Key Learnings
- Learn how the process, features, and functionality around generating an energy analytical model is evolving.
- Learn how the Energy Analytical Model can connect and create hybrid workflows in Autodesk Forma, Revit, and Insight.
- Discover step-by-step workflows for creating, viewing, and checking the Energy Analytical Model in a new and intuitive way.
- SWSimon WhelanSimon is a Founder and Chief Operating Officer of FenestraPro, based in Dublin, Ireland. FenestraPro provides software solutions for façade design and glazing specification to optimize energy efficiency and reduce carbon consumption. As one of the founders, Simon has evolved FenestraPro from concept, through start-up phase, and is now scaling with FenestraPro for Revit being used by some of the largest architectural practices in the world. Simon holds a Masters in Architecture (Advanced Environmental and Energy Systems), is a certified LEED Green Associate, and is an expert in Building Performance Analysis.
- THTetsuya HishidaREVIT MEP Designシニアプロダクトオーナー(LEED AP BD+C、一級建築士) 東京大学大学院にて修士(工学)を取得後、大手組織設計事務所に入社し、都市計画や制度設計等の大きいスケールから建築物のディテール等まで設備設計・コンサルティング・試算・シミュレーションを担当。オートデスクではテクニカルスペシャリストとして、Revit等の製品を担当。オートデスク日本支社において建設分野全般(意匠・構造・設備、土木・インフラソリューション)を管轄したのち、現在はRevitMEPの設計ツール開発を指揮している。