Key Learnings
- Learn how to get started with Inventor Informed Design Codeblocks.
- Learn best practices for working with iLogic and Codeblocks.
- Gain confidence converting your Inventor automation into Informed Design product-definition configurations.
- Curtis WaguespackCurtis has used Autodesk Inventor and AutoCAD for over two decades to design a wide range of manufactured products. In addition to his design experience, Curtis has authored and co-authored multiple editions of the Mastering Autodesk Inventor book and has taught Inventor to professionals in the classroom. Currently, Curtis works as an Automation Solutions Consultant, where his focus is on automation within Autodesk Inventor and helping others in the Inventor community understand and utilize iLogic and Inventor API automation. Curtis creates Inventor automation tools that help companies become more efficient with their design efforts, and he teaches iLogic classes as well.