The design of heat sinks will vary based on heat, size, temperature, environment, and an assortment of other specifics. We can use computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to optimize heat sinks for their specific application. This class will walk through the process of evaluating and optimizing the design of heat sinks for natural convection.
Key Learnings
- Learn about computational fluid dynamics for natural convection design
- Learn how to evaluate various design concepts to determine optimal Solutions
- Learn about heat sink design
- Learn about interpreting simulation results
- TMTommy MelloTommy Mello is a technical resource in computer-aided engineering (CAE). Hundreds of companies have engaged Tommy for his expertise with engineering analysis—specifically computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and CAD—to impact design and business initiatives. He helps companies recognize the benefits of CAE though consulting and training services at Sim Specialists LLC. Tommy is an "engineers' engineer" in regards to elaborate gardening irrigation systems, custom circuit boards, and heavily modified autos.