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Senior Housing: Community as an Antidote to Isolation

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    The U.S. senior population is growing. However, many senior residents do not have the financial resources necessary for a basic standard of living. Experts have identified their isolation and loneliness as a great public health risk. Understanding community as an antidote to isolation, MASS Design Group partnered with 2Life Communities to develop a model for high-density housing that prioritizes resident connections and communal activities linked to aging well. This session will explore a framework that creates opportunities for meaningful communal programming at a variety of scales, and increases access to green space, natural light, and fresh air. Using various projects in Massachusetts as case studies, we’ll discuss design strategies that connect seniors to the benefits of community. We’ll look at ways to balance the need for density and efficiency with the creation of healthy environments that help senior residents live better, longer.

    Key Learnings

    • Learn how to maximize design as a tool to improve the lives of senior residents of affordable housing.
    • Learn about opportunities to balance the need for efficiency with the creation of healthier environments for seniors.
    • Learn how to implement trauma-informed design strategies aimed at providing access to nature, natural light, and fresh air.
    • Learn lessons from the case studies that can help you maximize common areas as an antidote to isolation.

