Key Learnings
- Learn how to navigate the Simulation DFM interface
- Learn how to analyze the model for possible defects
- Learn how to make changes to the model's material
- Review cost effects of part changes
- RSRobert SavageRobert Savage is an Education Specialist at IMAGINiT. He is a 30-year design veteran who has designed everything from molds and molded parts to robots. At Remotec, a division of Northrop Grumman Corporation, he spent 5 years as a designer in the development group, as well as CAD and Vault Administrator. He is an Autodesk Certified Instructor and a Certified Inventor Professional. He has used Inventor software since its inception, as well as being well-versed in a variety of other design software. He has 10 years of experience teaching 3D design software, including Product Design Suite Ultimate software, Factory Design Suite Ultimate software, Simulation Moldflow software, and Vault Professional software. Email:
- Kevin SmedleyKevin Smedley is an Engineering Cad/PDM Technologist. Kevin currently works for BAE Systems OSI division assisting in an environmental change utilizing Vault. Kevin has over 32 years of CAD, Management and Administrative experience with multiple Autodesk products in the manufacturing and AEC environments. His background includes CAD and design management, instructor/trainer, consultant, and implementation and support specialist and configuration analyst. Kevin’s wealth of knowledge has allowed him to expand his skills and infuse those into Engineering Systems Manager and Cad Administrator roles. Kevin’s 32 years with Autodesk products includes CAD Design methodologies, Data management implementation, workflow strategies, Cad environment management, Inventor 3D parametric modeling. Since the early 2000’s when Vault entered the arena, Kevin has guided multiple companies implementing, configuring and growing sustainable and repeatable environments. Kevin has presented ten (10) times at AU and has attended since 2005.
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