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Using iLogic with Design Automation for Inventor to Create a Configurator

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Design Automation for Inventor software generally enables the desktop APIs to be used in the cloud—similar to how they would work on the desktop, but without the need of any installed software or dependent licenses. An additional, easily overlooked advantage of Design Automation for Inventor is its capability to run iLogic scripts in the cloud. These scripts being embedded in the CAD file itself can be programmed to auto execute under certain conditions. This class will address taking advantage of this capability to combine the Forge Design Automation API with iLogic to create a configurator by modifying an input Inventor file (IPT) in the cloud, according to the inputs provided by the user on an easy-to-use user interface. The results can be viewed immediately on a web browser using the Forge Viewer API, and are available for download in multiple formats such as IPT, IDW, and PDF. This web application sample uses the latest web technologies and is OS independent and mobile-device friendly.

Key Learnings

  • Learn how to create a Rim configurator using Forge Design Automation for Inventor and iLogic.
  • Learn how to render the result onto a web browser using the Forge Viewer.
  • Learn how to drive dependent file formats like IPT, IDW, and PDF.
  • Experience the essence of Forge Design Automation for Inventor.