AU Class
AU Class
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Workstation Virtualization - Business and Technical considerations

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    In this session we will explore the reasons of why workstation virtualization is now becoming more mainstream and why customers are looking at it far more than ever before. Globalization of businesses, technical readiness and security considerations have all been major drivers in the adoption and now, with new emerging technologies, it is the right time to see if and how it would fit in your organization and what it can bring to the table. The different technologies will be contrasted and compared and some hints, tips and gotchas called out to make your organization more effective wen considering implementation.

    Key Learnings

    • Position graphics virtualization technologies
    • Assess how and why workstation virtualization would fit in your business
    • Learn some of the benfits and limitations between technologies and what is the right one for your use case
    • Technologies available to make implementation simpler