The Forge Design Automation API is a cloud-based service that enables the automation capabilities of AutoCAD software, Inventor software, Revit software, and 3ds Max software. This presentation will explain and demonstrate two new features that increase the service’s capabilities. First, the preview feature of Open Network Access breaks down a longstanding barrier wherein the Design Automation API disallows network access during the running of a job. Letting customers add in access networks through HTTP(S) calls will solve some problems of workflows currently running in the Design Automation API, and will help extend the scope of work processes that the Design Automation API can support. WebSocket endpoints is another new offering that points back to client devices (desktop, mobile, or laptop), sending progress and completion responses so the applications don't need to make repeated Get requests—plus no callback for onComplete argument is needed to find the status of a job. We will also introduce and demo other small but peppy features that the Design Automation API has supported since last year.
Wichtige Erkenntnisse
- Learn how to apply the new features to solve the problems that current workflows may have while running in the Forge Design Automation API
- Learn how to design and create new and more flexible work processes that can be supported well by the Forge Design Automation API
- Learn how to implement or enhance cloud apps to gain efficiency with less energy usage
- Learn about building better experiences and deepening learning regarding cloud service development