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Pushing Piping Documentation into 2020 with Computational Design

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Industrial piping design tools such as AutoCAD Plant 3D software are now sophisticated and mature tools in many capacities across the specification-driven, P&ID-validated, data-driven fronts. However, other disciplines are engaging with more-contemporary modes of design, communication speed, and risk reduction. This paper will discuss how complimentary computational-design processes can harness power from other disciplines such as 3D geometric dimensioning and tolerancing in product design, mesh backdrops originating from reality capture processes, intelligent AutoCAD-Plant-3D-to-Revit interoperations through APIs, through to the creation of specifications from legacy data fragments for seamless piping component file (PCF) imports.

Principaux enseignements

  • Explore the parsing of PCFs using Dynamo or Grasshopper, enabling geometric dimensioning and tolerancing in 3D files.
  • Discover how to use AutoCAD Plant 3D spec creator to programmatically create specifications from ASCII files of any sort.
  • Learn about our approach to creating nested families from plant elements to open our world to Revit orthographics, with intelligence.
  • Learn about the team structure we’ve employed and how we support continuous improvement.


  • Matt Randell
    Matt has operated in each of the AEC (Architecture, Engineering and Construction) and Aerospace industries. Aerospace design experience gives him understanding of what might help the AEC industry to become ‘asset’-ready, as well as providing an object or system emphasis when it comes to BIM federation and verification process. His focus on BIM & computational design processes firstly informs the correct selection of software, and secondly allows the automation of proprietary tools for the interoperability of their data as well as modelling acceleration.