At Autodesk, we value the need for our customers to bring their work to the cloud for collaboration and automation at scale. If you're a Revit API developer and would like to use Forge Design Automation for Revit software, this class will cover the basics and dive deeper. We will explore five different case studies and all the steps necessary to implement them. You will learn to use the power of automation and cloud computing to generate conceptual designs using adaptive components. You will see demos and discover the code needed to implement them. You will learn how to manage your activities and AppBundles to support multiple Revit versions. You will get the links to the speaker’s end-to-end working code samples for you to extend upon. You will learn about Design Automation and how to integrate it with other Forge services, and about new features that have been added since last Autodesk University. You will walk away with solid insight into how to build cloud applications supporting Revit workflows.
- Learn how to automate desktop processes to run in the cloud.
- Learn how to develop web applications that utilize the Design Automation for Revit service.
- Learn from examples how to accelerate Forge development.
- Learn how to generate conceptual designs using adaptive components.