AU Class
AU Class
class - AU

Parametric modeling and automating the placement of Universal TBM Rings

이 강의 공유하기


TBM Tunnels are made up of prefabricated concrete segments which form a ring to be repeated in series, the rings laid in succession follow the course of the alignment. Autodesk Civil 3D is a great tool for infrastructure works like roads, pipelines also for modeling linear structures (bridge, tunnel, retaining wall), and Autodesk Revit is good for parametrical modeling. This class covers the use of Autodesk Revit together with Dynamo and CivilConnection package to leverage the power of Civil 3D inside Revit to automate the process of placement of universal TBM ring along alignment while minimizing the deviation in the placement of TBM ring along the alignment. In this class, I will demonstrate the parametrical modeling of universal ring and placement and updating parameters (e.g. rotation of ring) of the ring along alignment using Dynamo.

주요 학습

  • Parametric modeling of universal ring
  • Automate the placement of universal ring along alignment
  • Exploring CivilConnection package in Dynamo for TBM Tunnel
  • Create Python script in Dynamo